1️⃣ Kaminari Denki 😉

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Beach Date

•splashing each other
•the two of you trying to build a sand castle and failing miserably
•burying him in the sand instead
•feeding him since he can't use his hands while he's buried
•him thinking about and telling you how lucky his is to have a girl like you
•him holding your hand 70% of your time there
•quick pecks on each other's lips, since there are lots of people around (ThE CHiLDreN)
•him continuously thinking about how beautiful you are and how your swimsuit complements you
•him eventually letting his jealousy get the best of him when we sees other guys looking at you, and giving you a long, passionate kiss
•having a competition for who can find the coolest looking sea shell
•taking a long walk around the beach hand in hand when it starts to get dark out

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