2️⃣ Bakugo Katsuki ☁️

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Going to U.A. was extremely difficult at times. Especially when there was a big test coming up. The material was not difficult to understand, but there was a lot of it to memorize.

Unlike some of your fellow classmates, you felt pretty comfortable with the subjects of the test. You were only going to be a part of the study group because your closest friend, Ashido Mina, would not stop begging you to join.

You had turned down her offer quite a few times, but, when she mentioned Bakugo would be there, you changed your mind. It was only the finally get her to stop bugging me, you told yourself.

About an hour before your study group of Bakugo, Sero, Kaminari, and Kirishima showed up, you and Ashido sat in the common room as she began going on about how cute she felt you and Bakugo would look together.

"You guys would be sooooo adorable. You would definitely be the cutest couple out of any here," she went on and on.

Unfortunately for you, just the thought of you and Bakugo dating turned your face a bright crimson. You tried your best to hide it from her and let her continue on with it, but Mina being Mina noticed very quickly.

"Oooooh you like him don't you," she snickered.

"I do not. You're just embarrassing me with all of this lovey dovey crap," you tried your best to hide your flaming cheeks.

"Nope you definitely like him. Admit it, you like Bakugo-"

"What are you saying about me?!"

Your heart sunk. How much of the conversation did he hear?

"I think you and (Y/N) would make a cute couple," Ashido giggled.

Was that a blush on his face? You wondered. Before Bakugo could even reply to the statement Ashido just made, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Sero burst into the common room.

"Hey guys," Mina called out to them from her seat on the floor. "Do you think (Y/N) and Bakugo would make a cute couple?"

The there was a symphony of agreement between the guys that made your heart soar into the clouds for some reason. It's not like you actually did have feelings for him, right?

"Hey, (Y/N) are you okay? Your face is really red," Kirishima asked looking really worried.

Is he really that innocent that he doesn't know why? You asked yourself while the rest of them, excluding Bakugo snickered at you.

"Yeah, I'm fine it's just a little hot in here."

This was going to be a long study session.

*time skip to when the session ends*

You headed back up to your room after the session concluded with your mind on Bakugo. He left early after complaining that he was "too tired to keep studying with a bunch of dumbasses" or something like that. Your heart fluttered just thinking about him. What it was about him you really didn't know, but it was something you needed.

You were deeply lost in this thought when you felt someone grab your arm and push you against the wall. Before you could even register what was happening, you felt a pair of lips come into contact with your own.

Your eyes widened when you saw his familiar ash-blond hair. You broke the kiss and he looked at you with a slight amount of anger, but also patience that you've never seen him have before.

"Bakugo," you whispered and reached to touch his face. You could not believe this was actually happening. "This is real, right?"

"Of course it is, shithead," he whispered before pulling you in for another kiss. This time you kissed back. The two of you shared a very passionate kiss, but you ended up having to break away for air.


He cut you off, "You're mine. No one else's, you're my girlfriend from now on."

This time you pulled him in for a kiss that would become hundreds that night. You and Bakugo Katsuki were finally dating, and were going to prove Mina's thought correct.

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