4️⃣ Shoto Todoroki 💔

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Shoto Todoroki. Shoto Todoroki, his name echoed in your mind as you walked down the hall. You liked him. You really liked him a lot. Maybe it was even love. All you knew was that no one else had ever made you feel this way before, and you wanted to tell him. You really, really wanted to tell him, but you just couldn't.

Every time you were close to doing so, you chickened out, but you weren't going to let that happen this time. Today was the day that you were finally going to tell Shoto Todoroki how you felt about him.

Over the past few days, you and your best friend Tsu devised a plan that would allow you to share your feelings with him. You knew Todoroki likes to eat his lunch up on the roof of the school all by himself, so you were going to join him up there and spill your emotions.

Tsu would tell your lunch table that you were doing work because you didn't tell anyone about this other than her and didn't want anyone to get in the way or scare you out of it.

Your feet reached the first step to the roof. I can do this. I can do this. I can tell him how I feel and it'll go over well... I hope. I can do this, you thought. Once you finally made it up there, you were welcomed by quite the sight. Quite the awful sight, causing you to clamber back down the steps.

You ran as fast as you could with tears streaming down your face until you reached the girl's bathroom. Once inside, you raced to the first stall you saw, sat down on the toilet, and sobbed.

When you reached the roof, you saw none other than Todoroki and another figure, that you knew deep down was Midoriya, making out. As soon as you saw it, your heart shattered. You realized there was no way you could have the love of your life, causing you to have another realization. It's true what they say, there is no worse pain than heart break.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2019 ⏰

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