March 15

3 0 0

Dear diary

My daughter has grown and doing a lot better after the incident she wants to become like me but I worry that she would get traumatized by the experience but I saw a very dark side to her when she started to grow she seems to crave the blood I spill every time I kill a demon like a rabid staved wolf. I asked her why she has the filing she can't put her finger on it she said one side is traumatized by the experience but the other side craves it but I have a filling it's just a faze that will slowly go away but it's tariffing to see and Iv seen the bad in other demons in my time. But she is my daughter I'll try to keep me and ginger calm praying the ordeal will pass. Gracey- hi daddy what are you doing
Fang- nothing sweetie just righting in my diary
Gracey-oh can I see
Fang- sorry dear but you can't look in it yet what until your older ok
Gracey- oh ok (stomach growl) (mumble in pain) daddy when will this faze end
Fang- soon I hope I now you don't like it
My daughter was in pain not just physically but mentally as well it's hard for me to help her because I was doing my job at the same time but I try to keep my hopes up for her.

Fangs diary :Gracey Star hedgehog's fatherWhere stories live. Discover now