Volume 1, Part 9: Coffee Jelly Justice

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((This... This means war.))

There's no time to waste. I hadn't noticed before, but the douche who just stole my coffee jelly is the very same angry blonde from my class. He's particularly fiery, so I'll have to get crafty to nab it off him. I run through tens of plans in my mind, and I decide using my aport ability will be the most efficient.

Quickly, I grab a chocolate jelly ((the same price, but a whole different experience to a jelly connoisseur such as myself)). In a flash, I swap out the two jellies, leaving the chocolate in the peasant's hands, whose name I now remember is Bakugou. ((I can't believe I was actually all worked up, seems like I overestimated him. Anyway, now all that's left is to pay for-))


It's him. Bakugou's voice is booming louder than I could have ever anticipated. He's turned around, glaring at the coffee jelly that I'm holding so delicately. It seems he noticed the swap ((they do have differently colored icings, after all)). But he's clearly outmatched; no being, mortal or god, can stand between me and my delectable dessert.

"NOW GIVE THAT-," he begins, throwing his hand out to grab the jelly from me. Luckily, he's too slow; I've already teleported to the register in front of him. Before he can find me again, I hastily buy the coffee jelly and slip into the cafeteria crowd. I slide into a nearby booth, letting it block me from his line of sight ((What a bother... the child shouldn't have tried to delay the inevitable)).

Finally at rest in my safe haven of a cafeteria seat, I finally notice the unfortunate aftermath of my encounter with Bakugou: the beautiful whipped-cream from the coffee jelly has been smeared into a battle scar across my shirt. My heart seems to stop ((What... kind... of unenlightened brat would dare interrupt the beautiful balance of cream and jelly, the yin and yang of sucré et salé, the harmonious blend of light and earthy that makes every serving so glorious!?)). I consider, if only for a moment, simply traveling back a few minutes in time, retrieving my treat, and carrying on about my day. But crimes demand justice. I will not abandon my fellow man. I will find this sour-faced, hedgehog-haired, anger-ridden, smooth-voiced son of a b-

An incredible headache rips through my thoughts, accompanied by a short vision of the vague future. I see myself in the future sprawled on the floor next to my booth, the back of which has been charred by a minor explosion. Standing above me in the vision is the very same angry blonde, now with a crap-eating grin plastered on his face. I'm not one to avoid a fight when coffee jelly is on the line, but I'm also not one to take the first hit. Naturally, as soon as I get this vision, I jump out of the booth, ensuring I don't take a fireball to the back.

Unfortunately for me, I hear Bakugou's voice from above me as soon as I land. "Well then..." he says, somehow sounding like he's yelling and muttering at the same time. Bakugou inches towards me, the once-dense crowds of students parting to the sides in fear. I lay sprawled on the ground as he nears, and people have started gathering around to record with their phones. He outstretches his arm, and a sudden blast of fire ruptures the air. Looking up from the ground, I see the very same booth from my vision now charred from the flames. In a not-cliché-at-all twist, I have once again fulfilled my own visions.

"Consider that... a warning shot," he begins, glaring into the souls of onlooking students. "Just because some new extra waltzed in with new powers doesn't mean I have to put up with your shi*. That's not gonna fly a second time, Got it!?" ((Jeez, did some other "extra" show up and put him in the dust? Way to announce your trauma, blondy...)) Still on the ground planning my next move, I see his arm again outstretched, this time pointed at me. I suppose he expects me to apologize, or passively move on, or do anything other than put the fear of god in him. But, oh no, there is a new god on the block, and I have a plan to enact justice. And not just any kind of justice. Coffee Jelly Justice. And it all starts with the removal of my germanium ring.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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