Chapter 1

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Rim Of The World Adventure Camp

"I'm the foster kid! What do you expect?"

Darius' House
"Hi mum," Darius mumbled giving her a hug.
"Gonna be a lot of cute girls out there Darius,"his dad grinned,"knock em dead."
"Don't be a creep dad,"Darius grinned back.
"Darius,"his dad said pulling him into a hug,"I love you son. No matter what."
"Alright Jacobi let's bounce,"Exclaimed Darius walking to the car.

The airport
"What did you say your relationship was again?" Asked the guard staring at the passport skeptically.
"She's my niece.It's my sister in laws.You can... kind of see it in the eyes,"replied the random man.
"What's your business here?"
"She's got a spelling thing  up in Camarillo."
"How many L's in Camarillo?"
Zhenzhen put her middle finger up at the guard and then her index finger, to represent two.
"Your gonna do good in America,"grinned the man as Zhenzhen snatched her passport back.

"K...let's go,"whispered the man.
Zhenzhen shoved the money in his hand and walked away to a taxi.

Alex's Car
"You know I went to a camp when I was little girl,"his mum exclaimed.
"You've said,"replied Alex uninterested.
"You know that's where I met Flora Beetworth,"his mum smiled," I mean I met a lot of cool people but she was the coolest."
A fire engine drove past them.
"It's okay Alex."
Alex looked down at his dad's watch sadly.
"Are you sure you want to take your dad's watch?"
"Mum...I'll take care of the watch."

At the Sheriffs Station
"You ready kiddo,"smiled Noah one of the cops.
"Come's a chance for a fresh start!"
"I don't want to go."
"You might not want to but you have to."
"Why don't you send me to juvie!"
"Ivy...why do you think we aren't sending you back to juvie?"
"Because your crap cops?" Ivy laughed.
"No. Because you got into a hell of a lot of fights and caused chaos everyday."
"I'm the foster kid! What do you expect?"
"Just get in the damn car,"sighed Noah.

At the campsite
Ivy stood behind a ginger boy with a Chinese girl in front of him, waiting to be signed in for the activities.
"R..China?What! know.
Jaki Chan. Do you understand words coming out my mouth! Okay...move alongggg,"Shouted Logan one of the camp staff members,making loads of funny actions.
Ivy tried to hold in her giggles.

" man! Where you been?" Grinned Logan again,"You remember the black man handshake?"
"You said I can't do that,"Alex mumbled.
"I was testing you," he said sternly pointing at Alex,"Good shit baby.Good shit. Move along."

"Nice to see you to Logan! How's your day been so far?" Ivy chuckled.
"Great until I saw your face,"Logan grumbled,"Now move along."
Let's just say Ivy and Logan didn't have a good first introduction earlier.

"Put it in my box," Ivy overheard a woman camp staff member telling a boy.
"I'm sorry...what?" The boy asked confused.
"Put it in my box,"she repeated.
"Just take it out and put it in my box."
"Oh...we're standing in front of a lot of people right now. Are you sure about that?"
Ivy walked over.
"Hey dude...she means put the cellphone in the box.Dumbass,"she shouted down his ear.
"Yeah...can you put the cellphone in the box...please?"The woman laughed whilst Ivy walked away.
"Wooooo! Phone! Yes! I though you meant something else...I was."
"What did you think I meant?"
"You don't wanna know...what I thought you were."
"Darius! Did you dare?"
" didn't think that."
"You know what to be honest with you...I left my phone at home. I don't have my cellphone with me."
"Oh okay."

The next morning

"Ah sorry guys! Some kid shit the canoe whilst shooting the rapids,"the instructor said.
"Awwww,"everyone sighed.
"Hey Cosmo! We're gonna need the second hose down here!"Yelled the instructor.
"What do you mean? Ain't nobody afraid of a little poop,"Exclaimed Logan.
"Okayyy...I am deadly afraid of a lot of poop.There's more poop that canoe in there."
"Two kids shit in the van on the way over here and we still made it!"Shouted another camp member.
"And I don't want to be a patient 0 for a pink eye just calm down!"Exclaimed the instructor in disgust.
Ivy kind of dozed off at that point,until she noticed a girl walking away with the ginger kid chasing after her. Ivy followed them as well ,trailing behind a little bit.

She got a little bit lost on her way up the hill but eventually spotted the girl on the edge of the cliff with her arms in the air. Ivy was about to walk over when she spotted the ginger kid looking a bit lost.
"Hey!"She Shouted,"What are you doing out here?"
"Oh...uh...uh...nothing,"he stuttered.
Before Ivy could reply,Darius came stumbling out from behind a tree.
"What are you doing here,"Asked the ginger boy.
"Just dropped a deuce.That shit I just took back there...has been touching cloth since last night,"Darius replied.
"You are disgusting!"Exclaimed Ivy.
"Between you and me...I just turned the evergreens brown up in this joint,"Darius grinned.
"Come here...let me talk to you for a minute.Alright,"Darius walked over and grabbed the boy.
" Don't touch me,"he yelled.
"I'm gonna help you conquer your fear. Okay?"
"No! What! No!"
"I'm helping you!"
"Let him go you asshole!" Ivy Yelled walking over.
"Calm down! It's okay!"
"Please. No!"
"Look down. Look down! I'm trying to help you!"
"Leave him alone!" Shouted Ivy worried the boy might fall.
"No! Please! Let me go!"
"I'm helping you! Calm down!"
"No no no! Please!"

"Let him go!"


Hope you enjoyed this chapter so far! Please vote❤️

All of ivy's outfits are going to be at the top of the chapters when she changes🦋

Also the outfit that she changed into for canoeing is in the next chapter at the top!

The edit at the top is not mine and so check it out on YouTube if you want to.

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