Chapter 3

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The Alien and it's Dog

"You never know Darius...maybe it just wants to cuddle."

"Hello!" Yelled Darius as the five teenagers ran back into the camp.
"Hello!"Yelled Alex.
"Where is everybody?" Asked Darius.
"Is anyone here?" Shouted Alex.
"Yo do you see anybody?" Ivy replied to Alex.
"What's that?" Asked Darius as they all look at a sign.
"Gone down mountain. They left us!" Yelled Darius.
"Not all of them!" Shouted Gabriel.
"Huh? It's heavy metal Conrad!" Exclaimed Darius.
"Conrad!" Shouted Ivy as they all ran to him.
"Is he dead?" Asked Darius as he looked at the man lying still on the table.
"He's breathing. Must of just slept through the evacuation," said Gabriel.
"What kind of asshole sleeps through an evacuation?" Exclaimed Darius.
"Wake him up!" Ivy exclaimed.
Zhenzhen picked up a flask that had the word milk printed on the front. She opened it and drank it, then threw the flask on the ground.
"I don't think that...that was milk," said Darius.

In the cafeteria

"The lines dead," sighed Gabriel trying the phone.
"It's coz the powers out,"Said Alex," You know what an EMP is?"
"Yeh. That's that music white people dance to," replied Darius.
"No that's EDM. EMP stands for electric magnetic pulse. A nuclear explosion in the upper atmosphere can cause one and it knocks out most electronics in a really big area,"Alex Explained.
"Well what does that mean?" Asked Ivy.
"It means nothing works," answered Alex.
"Not even cars?" Asked Darius.
"Well you guys have food and a roof over your head. You can do a lot worse that just staying here and waiting this out,"Said Gabriel.
"Wait. Waiting what out?" Ivy looked at Gabriel.
A loud bang came from outside,making them all run to the lake near the camp to see.
"Those are f22 raptor air superiority fighters,"stated Alex.
"What the hell are those ships fighting?"Asked Gabriel.
"I've never seen anything like them."
"Run!" Yelled Darius as the planes started shooting at the ground around us.
"Hurry up! Run!" Yelled Gabriel grabbing my wrist and pulling me along.
An explosion went off in front of them,throwing the whole group backwards.
Ivy spat the dirt out of her mouth as she struggled to stand up again.
"What's going on?" Panicked Darius.
Another ship landed in front of them, sending them flying back into the ground again.
"Are you okay?" Ivy Asked Gabriel,helping him up.
"I'm fine thank you," smiled Gabriel.
"What is that?" Darius Asked.
"It's a dragon capsule," answered Alex again.
"How do you know  all this stuff?" Asked Gabriel.
"There's a reason my mum sent me to an outdoor camp," sighed Alex making Ivy chuckle.
"Oh god that things huge," Darius mumbled.
"No no no don't touch it!" Yelled Alex.
But it was to late, Gabriel already touched The door. He jumped back quickly, swearing and holding his hand in pain.
"It's still hot from re- entry."
"Oh does anyone have any water?" Asked Darius.
"Good idea."
Zhenzhen passed Darius a bottle of water, but instead of giving it to Gabriel, he started drinking it quickly.
"Seriously? Give me that!" Ivy Yelled snatching it from Darius.
She poured some all over the door.She then turned to Gabriel and gently pulled his hand towards her. She began to pour a bit of water on his hand, making him hiss in pain.
"Thank you."
"It's okay."
"Okay if you could stop staring into each other's eyes now please,"chuckled Darius, making Ivy blush.
"Wait a minute. Your not seriously going to open that thing are you?" Exclaimed Darius.
"There could be someone inside,"Exclaimed Gabriel.
"No no leave it be alright! We don't know what this shit is," said Darius wiping his fingers in the goo that was on the side.
"All the more reason not to touch it," sighed Ivy as she watched him wipe it on his shoe.
"This is animal kingdom out here bitches. Survival.Of.The.Fittest."
All of a sudden the door flew off hitting Darius in the back and sending him flying into the ground.
Everyone moves closer to get a better look.
"Hello is anybody in here? Asked Gabriel.
A woman started pulling herself out and landed on the floor.
"I thought space was supposed to make you weightless,"commented Darius.
"We're not in space dude," mumbled Gabriel.
"Where am I?" The woman gasped.
"Your in Rim Of The world adventure camp," answered Alex.
"This is a camp,"she gasped.
"Yeh I mean I was disappointed to but..."
"Coordinates all wrong. Pasadena.Dr Fielding."
"I'm sorry but we are not near Pasadena right now,"Darius said.
"JPL!" She Yelled.
"JPL? It's a part of NASA," Alex stated.
"The key! Take it to JPL. Dr fielding. It has everything on it.Everything! Go!" She Yelled.
"What the actual shit!" Darius Yelled as the goo started to come alive.
"Your gonna die if we leave you!"Gabriel Shouted.
"We'll all die if you don't!" She Yelled again.
"Run! Ivy come on!" Gabriel Shouted as they all began to run.
"Was that an alien?"Yelled Darius.
"Run!" Ivy Yelled back.

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