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I know I am starting off with the most cliche this could ever be, but please bear with me, you will be rewarded ;)

When Jimins history teacher Mrs. Smith had come in and announced that their former class teacher would be absent for an unknown period of time and that they were getting a replacement Jimin had not thought anything about it. In fact he had barely even listened to Mrs. Smith elaborating further changes, he had faintly overheard the part of her telling them to behave and be nice to their new headteacher as he was coming straight from university and this was going to be his first class. Jimin was drawing circles into his history book when the person in question, their new teacher, entered the classroom. However, when Jimin looked up, he nearly fell off the chair he was sitting on.

Jimin stared at the intruder in pure shock. His hair was dyed different shades of grey and he was wearing rings in his ears. He had defenitly changed in the past three years since Jimin had last seen him - he had no doubt become even more handsome - but nevertheless it took only one look into his dark catlike eyes and Jimin was one hundred per cent sure: It was no other than Min. Yoongi.

"Hello class, my name is Min Yoongi.", he introduced himself.

Jimins head started pounding wildly, memories flashing through his mind of a raven haired boy in ripped skinny jeans. He tried shaking his head and pinching his arm but a tiny voice on the back of his head told him that this for sure was not a dream.

"Don't you want to write your name down on the blackboard?", Mrs. Smith asked suggestively. Yoongi scratched the back of his head. "I thought they only do that in shitty high school movies.", Yoongi murmured almost inaudibly. "Excuse me?", Mrs. Smith asked in a high pitched voice raising her eyebrow until it vanished under her bangs. "Nevermind.", Yoongi just shrugged it of.

In the meantime Jimin had barely recovered from the first shock. Now there were a million questions inside his head. How was this possible? Why was he here? Why now? Why HIM?? Jimin sighed.

"Is there anything you wanna share with the rest of us Mr...?", Yoongis sentence was hanging in the air while all eyes in the classroom darted to Jimin. "Mr. Park.", Mrs. Smith finally answered Yoongis unasked question as Jimin was too perplex to do so.
He couldn't believe Yoongi would ask for his name. Couldn't believe he had to ask, that he didn't know. He didn't remember him. "N-n-no. Excuse me.", Jimin finally stuttered. He felt the heavy blush on his cheeks and tried to shake his hair into his face to hide his flaming cheeks. He heard some girls behind him giggle. "Does the little girly boy have a crush on the new teacher?", Jungkook hissed from the desk next to him. At that Jimin couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed his backpack and stormed out of the classroom. The last thing he heard was Mrs. Smiths': "Jeon Jungkook! Detention!"

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