Chapter 1: The Hostage Situation

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I was walking around town in my hoodie and jeans then I noticed Police cars surrounding a Bank. I knew that Rainbow will be here very soon but I could hear them demanding things and saying they'd kill hostages in 10 minutes, I knew Rainbow wouldn't be here in time, I moved to an Officer.

"Sir, you can't be here, the White Mask is taking hostages and we don't need you to be one," He said.

"Thanks for the information, but I need to go into cash in a paycheck," I said and walked past him which shocked him and I got to the police barrier and multiple police officers tried to stop me but I jumped over them and I continued walking and I saw a bullet whizzed past me but I didn't care, and I whistle as I get to the door which shocked the White masks before they all pointed their weapons at me.
"Come on guys, there's no need for this, how about I give ya my paycheck?" I asked handing them the piece of paper and one of them look at it and they all looked at it seeing a 'Fuck you White Mask Pricks' It said in bold and they look at me and I was in my Mjolnir Armour and Had a grenade in my hand and I put it in his Vest and patted his chest and walked past them, they were in shock and they blew up. Bullets hit my armour and they ricochet off of it. "Let's do this," I said and my Lancer appeared and I opened fire on the White masks and revved the Chainsaw on my Lancer and ran at one and cut him Diagonally and killed him immediately. I  then cleared the place and got to the hostages and killed the White Masks all but one and shot him in the leg and Untied the hostages. "Go to the entrance of the back, the police will save you," I said and they ran off. I looked at the man and knocked him out and wrote a note and tacked it to his forehead. 

"Saved the hostages, killed all but this one white mask and left a bloody mess around the place. If the team Of Rainbow 6 reads this, contact me on this number ########## This is your Friendly Neighbourhood Gamer!" It read and I smile and go out the back door and turned invisible and hiding my Armour and weapons and walked down the street before reappearing whilst in a crowd. I smirked and arrived at my apartment and played Pokemon on my DS

Ash's POV

We arrived at the scene and we saw Hostages running to the Police. "Did someone go in?" I asked my team which was Me, Castle, Pulse, Thermite and Sledge 

"I don't think there was a SWAT Team that was heard..." Thermite said as we got out and an Officer walked up to us. 

"Officer, what happened here?" I asked

"A civilian went in and Killed all the white Masks" Is what he said and we all looked at each other. 

"What did he say before going in?" Sledge asked.

"We warned him about the White Masks and he said 'Thanks for the Information but I need to cash in a paycheck'. He said that and he walked towards the building, A white masked shot at him and he didn't flinch. Next thing we know we hear a grenade go off and gunfire. A Hostage said he had a Gun that had a chainsaw attached to it and he was wearing a suit of armour that bullets ricocheted off" He said and we all looked at each other. 

"Has anyone been in?" I asked and he shook his head. "Alright team, let's go," I said and we all move in and saw the White masks on the ground, at least 4 white masks cut nearly in half, We go past them quickly then saw a white mask with a note on his head and we pull the tack out of the Masks head and groans and Pulse puts the man in handcuffs. I read it. "We have to report this to Six," I said and they nod. We leave with the Mask and we went to the SWAT Van and we drove back to the airport and we saw Jager waiting for us. 

"That was Quick," He said.

"It was already clear before we got there," Sledge said and he choked slightly. 

"Who the hell did it?" He asked

"A Civilian," I said which shocked him.

"Jesus Christ... Let's get back then, I'll let you call Six before we go" Jager said as the boys go in and strap the Mask down and made sure he has no way to escape. I call Six

"Speak," She said

"Hey Six, um... the place was already clear before we got there," I said 

"What? I didn't authorize anyone to go in?" She asked surprised

"A Civilian went in and Saved the hostages. We went in and saw a blood bath. I got Video Surveillance which Ill give to you when we get back" I said.

"Alright, Anything else?" She asked

"We got a Mask as a Hostage," I said

"Good, Maye he can tell us about this Civilian," She said

"That is all, ma'am," I said.

"Alright," She said and ended the call and I walked in the plane and we left.

'Just who are you Gamer' I thought before looking out a window.

[Timeskip brought to you by White Mask thugs Running away scared by Y/N In his Mjolnir Armour and the Lancer above his head chasing them]

We arrived back to base and Caviera took the Mask to the interrogation room while we go to Six to do the report. Guards stopped us and we know why and we did everything they said before going in.

"Welcome back Operators.  Take a seat and tell me everything you saw" She said and we told her everything, handing her the USB With the video and the Message we found on the Masks head. She looked at it before turning on the Surveillance Tape and we saw the Entire Bank seeing White Masks littering the are then we saw the front and saw a Male, in a Hoodie but we couldn't see his face. He handed the masks something and the other two were distracted with it before we see the Male have this Space armour on him and a grenade in his hand and put in the Masks Body Armour before walking past him and the three blew up. Then we see the bloodbath go on, he seemed very strategic then we saw him Chop the man nearly in half. We continued watching his confrontation and then there were the hostages. He killed all but one and punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground. The Hostages Ran out before he disappeared and we saw the back door open.

"Curious... He's definitely advanced in technology... Let's try the phone Number, But we should trace it" Six said and called for Grace (Dokkaebi) to come here and she arrived in a few minutes. 

"Dokkaebi, I need you to trace this call that im about to make" Six said and Dokkaebi nods and get everything set up before Six calls the Number and It was on Speaker.

"Take it you got my number Aurelia Arnot" The Male said and She stood up

"How do you know My Name, that is Highly Classified Information" She yelled.

"I know everything about you and your operators Ma'am. Names, Date of birth, Birthplace, Phone Number, Mental problems, Physical Problems, Background, What mission they went in and a lot more other things. But Im not your enemy. Im actually wanting a proposal." He said and all of us were shocked.

"And what would that be" Six asked

"You let me join Team Rainbow Since me and you have the same mission and you have my services and my tech," He said 

"How can I be sure I can trust you?" She asked

"I'll come to you tomorrow since I know where your base is. I'll be driving a Black Bugatti" He said before ending the call.

"Make sure everyone is on High alert If he does one thing you shoot to kill, Understand?" Six said and we all nod and left.

We got to the cafeteria and told everyone what happened and they are either worried, pissed or curious which is understandable.

'Just who are you Gamer... and how do you know everyone...' I thought before grabbing something to eat and heading to bed.

A Gamers Life [R6S Girls x reincarnated Male Gamer]Where stories live. Discover now