Chapter 2: Hedford Base

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Dokkeabi's POV

I Yawn and stretch, I rub my eyes and look around before checking my phone and saw a message from Ash. 

'Remember to be prepared for Gamer' It said and I remembered what happened last night and I get out of bed and get changed and left the room, going to the cafeteria to get breakfast before 'Gamer' Gets here, some of the girls were with me.

"Any Idea who this guy is?" Ela asked

"Wouldnt have a clue... I have no idea why he calls himself Gamer.." IQ said

"Maybe because he plays games and made his gear from games?" I said and they look at me and start to think. 

"The Armour looks like Master Chiefs from Halo," Echo said walking by and Ash grabs him and sits him down. 

"What else do you know?" Caviera asked

"This is why you should play games. His Armour is from a Sci-Fi First-person Shooter named Halo, the Armor is extremely powerful and can knock a car over with a single punch. His Gun looks like it's from Gear of wars. The Gun is an Icon of the game and is used to cut through deadly aliens, the Cloaking is new and the term Friendly Neighbourhood Gamer is a reference to Spider-Man as he is called 'The friendly Neighbourhood Gamer'" He said before Caviera lets go and he ran off. 

"Well... we know of what he uses now is to find a weakness," Caviera said

"THE ARMOR IS ANTI-EMP!" Echo yelled. We sighed.

"So Using Thatcher won't work" I sighed.

"No..., let's get ready, he's supposed to be here soon," Ash said and we all went to the armory and got our gear.


I was driving towards the base and sings quietly. "For he's a jolly good fell-ow. For he's a jolly good fell-ow. For has a Jolly Good Fellow! Which No one can deny" I said with a smile before coming up to a boom gate with soldiers keeping an eye on the road. I drove up slowly and stopped and wound down my window. 

"can I have your ID?" A soldier asked.

"Sorry, I don't have one, I was in a rush. Besides, Six wants me" I said and the Solider talks into his Radio.

"Alright, let him through," He said and the boom gate opened and I do a two finger salute and drove up and I saw all the Operators and Six waiting outside, guns aimed at my Car, I stopped.

"Gamer! GET OUT OF THE CAR WITH YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!" I heard a Female say.

"I'LL DO YOU 2 BETTER," I said getting out of the vehicle with my hands handcuffed and in my normal attire. I saw Montange, Sledge, IQ, Castle, and Rook walked over, SWAT Style and I laid on the ground so I don't get slammed to the ground, Castle and Rook made sure the Handcuffs were legit and saw that they were and was confused but lifted me up and brought me over to Six. 

"You must be a Gamer. What's your Real name" Six asked

"My name is Y/N L/N, Known as Gamer. Arrived in this world a few months ago" I said, I knew they weren't gonna believe me but hey, worth a shot.

"What do you mean Arrived in this world?" Sledge asked.

"That's a Good question," I said pressing my fingers to my lips, but the handcuffs were on my back. I look down and saw the cuffs were broken. "Oh... Oops" I said before they repaired themselves and I returned back to what I was doing. "Last I remember is that I had Heart Cancer, Saved a girl from a Robber, decided to play hero, got killed, went to heaven met my dead parent, met god, gave me another chance and brought me here with the power of creating game items but only once a day but once I spawn it in I can keep on spawning it in..." I said. 

A Gamers Life [R6S Girls x reincarnated Male Gamer]Where stories live. Discover now