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A peacefull day in the streets of a town called Nanimori. No chaos, no people of the Yakuza causing havoc, no 'biting hebivores to death', just a peaceful and quiet-



In a nearby familiar street of Nanimori, the Sawada household is where a beautiful sweet and kind mother who is named as Nana Sawada was nowhere to be seen in the household, she might be out to buy some groceries or talk to some familair people she recognised

But back to the topic in one of the room's in the Sawada residence there where two people there Tsuna and Yoshi the emotions of Tsunayoshi Sawada

Tsuna was trying to force his cousin to put on a dress and pose for them but the said male just glares at him and tries to run away

"If you don't put this on we will never give you something cookies and cream related flavor" threathened both Tsuna and Tsunayoshi

Yoshi frozed as he glares at them

"Don't you dare" he growled as he saw his cousin gave him the torture trap then sighed as he agreed and went to change in the bathroom

Tsuna's eyes widen seeing his cousin wearing the dress cutely, he squealed with a tint of blush and hugs him

"OMG! YOU LOOK SO CUTE YOSHI!" screamed Tsuna as he grins at his cousin then hugs him

"S-shut up Mutt!" Said a blushing Yoshi as he glared at Tsuna

"Alright alright let's just be quick, pose and smile in front of tye camera" Tsuna was holding a camera as he aims the camera towards Yoshi's form

Yoshi wanted to decline but the treath made him think otherwise he sighed but for some reason the dress kinda was comfortable to his liking but he doesnt want to emberass hisself more

He grabbed an umbrella then smiled towards the camera as he posed cutely

Tsuna squealed as he keeps complimenting his cousin and his poses

All day they keep on cosplaying and wearing different outfits and keeps on taking pictures (in Yoshi's liking)

Moral of the story: it doesnt hurt to try new things aint it? It doesnt mean that it looks horrible to your standards doesnt mean you'll not like it


P: *breathes* wow

R: ikr Yoshi looks cute on the dress!

P: I mean that Yoshi likes wearing a dress?

R: maybe because its one of his attributes to be a Y-

P: dont! You'll spoil the story Royal-chan!

R: oh right!

P: well sorry to cut this short my little puppets but we must go!

P&R: vote amd comment for more! BYE!~

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