<<a seemingly 'normal' check up>>

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Kill me now! TwT

The past few days me and Royal-chan are having fun with ships when suddenly I had a lot of ideas on making a one-shot book but nooooo, I was too lazy to do it *pouts*

But Royal-chan~ my oh so great sister (not by blood of course) suggested on doing it here *breathes*

I hope you guys like it

I think you all know on who Itsuro and Gakuto is right?

Itsuro is the darkside of Takeshi

And Gakuto sometikes called 'G' is the dark side of Hayato

I didnt want Yoshi to be lonely so I made their names and Royal-chan helped with ther backgrounds! Thanks btw!

If you guys want more one-shots fill free to comment down below!

And Gakuto is the Dominant one here *wink wink*


Itsuro Oberto a 20 years old male, having black vanta hair and vanta black eyes

He was a normal guy as far as everyone knows

He's a stoic stype but always love to be getting attention in a good way of course not does two a**-b****es

He works in a dojo his father was working at and had an Older brother by the name Takeshi Yamamoto

The reason why they don't have the same last names?

They had different mother's but they love each other to the fullest but Itsuro does'nt show it often only in rare occassions

They rarely even talk one another because of his Older brother's job on beeing a cop (*cough i think my readers know on what is going to happen cough smirk cough*)

Only Itsuro and their father ate when dinner is set but don't talk much but surrounded with a comfortable silence and atmosphere

Itsuro has some friends like Yoshinori Robustelli, Mitsuhiyo Innocenti and Atsuhiko Grillo (*cough the ukes slash submissive ones cough*)and more but he doesnt want to mention them at the moment

One normal day the 4 of them where at their usual place to hang with

Its in a rooftop they usually hang, sometimes its an abandoned roller scating rink

They usually laugh smile and cries their real emotion when they are near with each other especially Itsuro

His the only one feeling left out on the family as beeing the only one who can succeed on continuing the dojo and the reightfull heir of the Oberto Clan

The gang of four kept talking when suddenly their conversation ending up in their relationships

"How are you guys doing with your love life?" Asked Yoshi while looking at the dark sky, he always love the Sky when its dark

Everyone was silent even stunned hearing the leader of their gang asking just a mere sentemce that made them a bit paralyzed

"Single since the day I was born...." said Atsuhiko as he sighed and wraps his hands around his legs hugging them

The other's agreed on what the strongest person they know's statement

All of them don't really have a great relationship with the word 'love'

They all have older brothers but they rarely even see them

Their parents doesnt like them much because they favoretised their eldest

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2019 ⏰

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