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it was this day that they were going to talk to the suspect jungkook had a hidden camera with him incase things get messy, jin had knives as he says that it was for emergency and taehyung being taehyung brought a bible saying he'll slap the suspect with it

"you all ready?" namjoon asks one last time and they went off the car and went to the infamous park they immediately saw the suspect and finally they all faced each other

"I'll get straight to the point, was it you" yoongi eyes him not even blinking while saying the sentence he gives him a snort "what are you talking about"

"oh you know what we are talking about" jimin sassily replies and rolls his eyes, "am i talking to you? ugly bitch" the person talks back "call him ugly bitch one more time i will definitely break your neck" namjoon says with a smile

"fucking answer already" the boys were getting impatient especially yoongi, he was hungry for revenge and also the truth

"WHAT IF I DID HURT YOUR BOYFRIEND AND FRIENDS YOU HURT ME TOO YOU DIDNT EVEN KNEW HOW MUCH YOU BROKE ME HOW MUCH I CRIED AT NIGHT HOW I SAW MYSELF WORTHLESS AFTER YOU LEFT ME ALL I EVER THINK ABOUT WAS YOU I LOVED YOU SO MUCH THAT I HAD NONE FOR MYSELF I HURT THE ONES CLOSE TO YOU SO I CAN CONVINCE MYSELF THAT IM FINALLY WORTHY BECAUSE YOU MIN YOONGI IS ONLY FOR ME YOU ARE ONLY MINE AND NO ONE CAN HAVE YOU RATHER THAN ME" jae shouted on top of his lungs crying with every word he spilled, jae was yoongi's ex-boyfriend they were together for almost a year and yoongi broke up with him since he was quite possessive after the long rant jae quickly went to smiling and continued "i know that you'll be mine yoongi" jin prepares his knives in case jae was planning something and jungkook placed taehyung behind him causing the other to peek at his boyfriend's shoulder

"are you hearing yourself?! i left you because you were all possessive on me, i lay a single finger on a person and all you do is hysterically scream at me telling me im cheating that's what caused me to not love you anymore, stop being so pathetic because my world doesn't revolve around you just fucking move on because im fucking happy now and i hope you will be too, stop hurting my boyfriend and friends unless you want me to tell your father everything" jae's father was quite close with yoongi and also he was strict so once he knows about this jae's life will be a living hell

"b-but i love you and i get what i want!" he exclaims

"no you don't love me, your pride just wants you to win me and prove to everyone that you aren't pathetic and you will not get everything that you want in this world" and they left jae a crying mess

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