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Ally checked her watch for the umpteenth time and shifted uncomfortably in her seat. it was half past eight and Greg had not arrived despite his promise. she had arrived almost two hours ago and her makeup had faded from perspiration.
she rushed to the bathroom with frustration seeping through the pores of her skin. She quickly retouched her makeup and psyched herself up for the humiliation that was imminent. 
Ally dashed out of the bathroom.  she had straightened up to catwalk out of the embarrassing situation when she spotted Greg scanning the restaurant.  A wave of confidence surged through her and she literally floated into the arms of the man she loved.
" sorry honey, I got trapped at work" he said planting a kiss on Ally's cheek.
The night wore on with the couple enjoying each other's company.  As they stepped out of the restaurant into the cold night, Greg handed Ally his jacket. They strolled along the street holding hands and giggling like teenagers. It was almost midnight when they both decided they should retire for the day. Amidst kisses and goodbyes they separated and Ally watched as Greg drove by and waved at him then she proceeded to her own car.
She took off Greg's jacket and hang it on the seat before sitting behind the wheel before she realized she had stepped on something hard. She. reached for it and saw that it was Greg's wallet.
Ally contemplated  whether she should call or return the wallet by herself. she decided she would go to Greg.
she reached Greg's apartment in a few minutes. she walked up the stairs and flung the door open to surprise Greg. but instead found herself shocked to the core.
Ally rushed back to her car and sped off with Greg running after her and calling for her to stop.
Ally stopped a few meters away and watched Greg through the side mirror with intense fury. The fury overcame her senses and she stepped on the pedal reversing the car at full speed.
Greg was caught off guard as the car bumped into him. The last thing he saw was Ally standing over him with a malicious smile on her pretty face, her blonde hair whipping across jar face in the cool breeze, then the world went blank...

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