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Natalie hadn't felt this way since college when she first met Greg. It felt as if light had found it's way into the empty darkness that was her life. She felt highly energized just watching him strut confidently away and blushed. When she realised she had been staring at him for too long, she turned and walked away.
Natalie went up to her room and took a long shower. She rummaged through her bags and found a lovely blue chiffon dress and a pair of beige suede strappy heels.
It was almost time for dinner when marvelNatalie finished with her makeup and she looked absolutely stunning. She put on the dress which and the shoes then checked herself out in a mirror to convince herself that she was stunning and went downstairs for dinner.
For a five star hotel, the Royal executive hotel did not fail to even the most wealthy of the aristocratic community in Boston. Fine silk curtains were draped from the ceiling to the ground. A pianist at the far corner of the room played one of Mozart's classic tunes whilst Natalie stared at the exotic chandeliers.
Natalie finally found a deserted table and rushed for it before anyone else spotted it. A waiter in a neatly tailored suit brought a bottle of Italian wine and a glass as she waited for her dinner.
As she sat there drinking the finest wine she'd probably ever taste in her life, the events of the day played through her mind. She thought of the stranger whose smile had warmed the very core of her soul. She wondered if they would ever meet again in this incredibly huge hotel.
Natalie ate her exquisite supper and took another bottle of wine. Somehow her train of thought moved from the alluring stranger to Greg and Allison. She thought of the fact that her beloved Greg had betrayed her with that pompous brat who thought she could get away with his murder. Each time she thought about it, her heart clenched and a sharp pain jabbed through it and this time was no different. She quickly finished her second bottle and ordered another bottle.
After her third bottle, Natalie decided she was making a fool of herself and left. She made her way to the elevator but it was occupied she maneuvered her way to the stairs. She twisted her leg on the third floor and limped all the way to the fifth floor then she saw him. Even with his head bent she recognized him. He was seated on the first step of the staircase that led to the sixth floor.
Natalie was immediately overcome with shame. She had never felt so embarrassed in her entire life. She looked at her slightly swollen leg and her disheveled hair coupled with the fact that she wreaked of alcohol and realised she neither looked the least bit ladylike nor did she look attractive and decided to head on to her room. At least that was what she decided to do but her feet failed to cooperate as they led her in the opposite direction.

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I do hope you enjoy this chapter. The next chapter will be published soon. Please continue commenting and voting. Thanks for reading.


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