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Natalie stared at the gorgeous blonde entering the sleek black limousine. She brought the camera close and took shots of her from different angles, then followed the limousine as it cruised on the highway.
she had spent the last few months learning all about Allison Cornwall before setting out on this solo mission.
Allison Cornwall was the only daughter and sole heiress of multimillionaire and business tycoon Donald Cornwall.
She had everything a woman her age could ever desire including a truckload of men who wouldn't hesitate to kiss the ground she walked on, making Natalie wonder why she had been attracted to Greg in the first place.
The limousine branched off the highway and soon enough they arrived at her countryside estate. Natalie sped off and quickly crossed the limousine before they could enter the gates. She jumped out holding her ID in front of the heavily built bodyguard who came out of the car. He checked the ID and paved way for Allison as she emerged from the sleek limousine with a frown.
"I really hope this is worth crossing my path" Allison bellowed.
"I would like to talk about Greg Conaughey" Natalie replied.
"I'm sorry I can't help you" Allison retorted and turned to enter the limousine.
"I know you were the last person to see him."
"How do you know that?"
"I have my ways."
"Well i don't think i can help you here so you should make yourself scarce." Allison said and entered the limousine with her bodyguard right on her tail. Natalie sat in her car and pulled away from the driveway.
"You're going to regret this!" she said and drove off.

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