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That storm came in the form of a group entering the room, and right in its swirling epicentre was Osamu Dazai. 

Chuuya barely surpressed a groan as excited whispers erupted around the room, silencing as Dazai took his seat, surrounded by a circle of friends. 

It didn't take long for their teacher to arrive and skip through all the admin that was necessary for the beginning of the year. The new class began to get to know one another as their books were handed out, friendship groups already forming. Chuuya, personally, would rather hit his head on the table until he passed out than engage in small talk with his classmates. He decided to do neither of these things, preferring to stare aimlessly out of the grimy windows.

Passing by Dazai and his posse of worshippers, Chuuya made his way to his locker to dump his new stuff inside. He didn't bother making it neat, but as soon as he'd withdrawn his hands, the locker slammed shut without him touching it. Whirling, he saw a veritable giant of a boy towering above him.

"I saw you trying to hurt Dazai back there, runt. Don't think I'm gonna let you get away with it."

Oh, for fuck's sake. It was that irritating redhead from earlier, who worshipped the ground Dazai walked on. This really wasn't his morning.

"Yeah you got me," he sighed, voice dripping with sarcasm. "I'm an assassin. My sole goal in life is to murder Dazai through increasingly fucking stupid means. Are you a detective or something?"

The taller boy rolled up his sleeves. As confident as Chuuya was in his ability to wipe the floor with this freak, he'd really rather not get suspended for maiming a student on his first day. Maybe this guy would listen to the truth.

"Look, whatever-your-name-is, why would I care about that shitty Dazai? Christ, you people presume I give much more of a damn than I actually do, so why don't you be a good little lackey and run off back to him?"

Apparently that was the wrong thing to say, because the boy leaped at him, hands outstretched. Chuuya was ready for him, however. He dodged quickly, hands stuffed firmly in his pockets. 

"Come back here, you little rat!"

After dodging a few more blows, Chuuya got cocky, which quickly resulted in a painful jab to his gut. He tried to suck in air but soon realised he couldn't breathe in or out. It was a horrible, choking sensation that could've lead to another beating if another voice hadn't joined their own.

"Oda, why are you beating up what appears to be a... lost child?"

This Oda person instantly leapt to his feet, spinning to face the new figure. Chuuya took the opportunity to put some distance between himself and the other man, finally getting his breath back as he leaned heavily against a locker. 

"He's that runt who was hassling you earlier, Dazai. I was just showing him what happens to people who don't watch themselves around you."

Dazai didn't look overly impressed; he forced a tight smile onto his face and addressed his friend.

"Right. Okay. Well, thanks for that. Much appreciated. I'll deal with him now."

Oda fired one more withering glance at Chuuya before sloping back into his room. Chuuya groaned, turning to look at Dazai blankly.

"I seriously need you to understand something. I couldn't care less that everyone thinks you're the second coming. What I do care about is people picking a fight with me over fucking nothing. Can you please convey my lack of shits to give to your fanboys? Much appreciated."

"Way ahead of you, short stuff. I can't have Oda beating up some first grader in the corridor. Really gonna do some damage to my reputation, you know?"

"You fucking ass, I'm not a first grader!" Chuuya yelled, with half a mind to reach up to the top of this egotistical beanpole and scratch his eyes out. "I'm literally in your class, you waste of oxygen!"

Dazai had the audacity to smirk at this, hiding his lips behind the curve of his knuckles. If he wasn't such self-obsessed freak show, Chuuya would have found this quite attractive. But he didn't. Not even a little bit. Not even at all.

"Well, it was a pretty good fight you put up there against Oda. He's skilled. And don't even get me started on the..." his eyes raked over Chuuya's frame, sending shivers skittering through him. "- Natural advantages."

Chuuya grimaced, pushing himself off the lockers and moving back toward the classroom.

"And I can put up an even better one against you if you don't leave me the hell alone. You got that, big boy?"

In response, the beanpole let out the most disgusting, shit eating smile that Chuuya had seen in his entire life.

"Want a job?"

(Edited 09/02/23)

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