t h i r t e e n

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Whoops, accidental hiatus was accidental.

Really sorry I've been in Italy and I was too preoccupied with trying to ward off the mosquitos that mercilessly feed off my flesh to even think about writing for a while but HERE I AM!!!

It took about half an hour for them to get to the docks. The headquarters was an imposing building, extremely tall and menacing against the clouds. Steeling himself, he followed Dazai through the double doors and into the foyer. The security stood down immediately on sight of Dazai, but blocked his way.

"Stop right there. Name."

"He's with me."

That was all it took. They apologized and stood aside, allowing Chuuya to continue down a corridor and into a lift. It was rediculously fancy, with a wooden interior and a mirror which forced him to look upon his own quivering figure. Chuuya wasn't scared of much, but even the name Mori set goosebumps popping along his skin.

"Hey, Chuuya, you'll be fine. He's not going to kill you, I promise. You'll be okay."

Dazai didn't mention that he couldn't make any garuntees, and it was quite possible that Mori could kill him if he did something dodgy. He felt that wouldn't be the best thing to tell Chuuya as he shivered in the corner. The floors flew by, Chuuya's anxiety increasing as they passed.

The ding of the elevator door had never sounded so ominous. Swallowing his fear, and quite a bit of his pride, he walked in and bowed to the shadow that lounged in an armchair at the far end of the room. The room itself was menacing enough, dark and ornate with one wall complete with floor to ceiling windows, allowing a perfect view of the city skyline. The menace of the room, however, paled in comparison to the pure danger that radiated from the shadow that stared across at him from the armchair. He hadn't said or done a single thing, but some baser instincts inside Chuuya, animal instincts, screamed out a warning that drowned out the thoughts ricocheting inside his mind. It he happped to displease him, one word, god, even a breath from this man and his ass was grass. He would tread extremely carefully. While the rest of the room was dimly lit by the windows, the man seemed to absorb light, remaining a figure made entirely of darkness.

"Chuuya Nakahara, I presume. I expected you to be taller."

"Most people do."

"I hear my subordinate has decided you have enough potential to become one of us. Has he made the right decision?"

"I thought you were going to decide that, sir."

Mori chuckled. It sounded like rubber soles on gravel.


The room fell into a frosty silence, broken only by the creaking of the floorboards as Chuuya shifted from foot to foot under the gaze of the most powerful man in the city.

"I doubt you are joining this organisation by choice, yes?"

He sounded kinder now, almost sympathetic. Chuuya was drawn in by it and nodded, in spite of himself. Dazai knew the danger and instantly cut in to attempt to rectify Chuuya's accidental mistake.

"That doesn't mean you don't have to trust him, sir. He knows the consequences of-"

"That is why you are not ready for a position like mine, Dazai,"

Mori's voice raised a little, and the sound was dark, heralding danger.

"You are young. You believe the world is to be trusted until proven decietful. I know to trust nobody who completes a task against their will, so know your place and please, don't interrupt."

Dazai seemed to shrivel backwards, a sight that was as terrifying for Chuuya as Mori was, if not more. Without exception Dazai had always seemed calm, in control, but in the face of this terrifying individual he paled into insignificance.

"So, Chuuya, I'm going to set you a task."

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