Chapter 13

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I shivered at the words "vampire" and "territory" mostly because a vampire killed my father and I almost got killed by a vampire not too long ago. I saw the look in Victor's eyes when he told me; he hated the fact that we had to be here and was scared that my mom's trust would be broken because that's the creatures she specifically hunts down. 

I grabbed his hand. I was more worried about me dying or getting killed by a vampire. I'm terrified of them, which is why I wanted to hunt them down, but I know that me encountering wolves were part of it. 

"I have a friend that lives here," Victor continued. "We haven't spoke in a long time, but he isn't gonna turn me away and most certainly isn't gonna turn you away. He and his wife are trained not to consume human blood and he also trained his children who are about my age, but lived longer...if you know what I mean."

I nodded. "Of course," I spoke softly. I tightened my grip on his hand. "Is it safe?"

He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my forehead. "I'll protect you. If anyone brings harm to you--"

"Victor, don't worry about that if you're gonna protect me," I jumped in. I kissed his jawline. "Relax, baby."

He nodded. "I dunno if you're mom is gonna hate me for this, but she gotta know about James." he looked around. "Let's get moving." He got on the motorcycle.

I got on behind him and he started riding again. I felt goosebumps appear on my arms and I'm not sure if it's the cold atmosphere, but I think it's because I'm scared. I have never been this deep inside the vampire's territory. I used to go between the boarder line to trick the system, but not this deep. I also cannot outrun the vamps, so Victor is my only source of protection. 

Victor stopped the motorcycle in front of a house that looked very nice. He got off and helped me get off. I grabbed his hand, the only thing warmer than outside. We walked to the doorstep and he knocked on the door. 

A guy opened the door and he had a very pale skin complexion with slicked back blonde hair and blue eyes. He gave a smile. "Victor, it has been a long time," he spoke, his voice being soothing and calm. "How are you?"

"I'm doing fine," Victor responded with a smile. "I do need a favor, Kale."

He looked at me. "I see you brought a guest." He smiled at me. "How are you, milady?"

I gulped in fear of speaking. "I'm okay..I guess," I replied softly.

"You brought a human here? What's going on, Vic?"

Victor sighed. "This is Jenna, my girlfriend. There has been an issue and we need to discuss it."

Kale's smile faded. "I see." He folded his arms and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I think I know what's happening. But I gotta explain to you what is going on inside the house because Jenna's blood has a very sweet scent and it's kinda gonna bring some attention."

Kale moved out the doorway and Victor brought me inside the house. The house is very nice and modern, but slightly accient in a way. Kale closed the door and told us to sit on the couch. It was surprisingly warm in the house, but I was still scared. Victor felt my hand shaking and gave it a slight squeeze, telling me to calm down.

"Victor," Kale started as he sat on the couch across from us. "I know you know my son, Nick. You both were close and you are well aware of his gifts, right?"

Victor nodded. "He can dream about the future and sometimes have visions of the future."

"Yes." Kale sighed. "How's James treating ya?"

"That's the reason why we are here." Victor took a second of silence, probably to collect his thoughts. "I met Jenna while she was on a mission and she accidently killed my friend because he tried to kill her. I was in rage about him and I promised his parents and James that I will kill her. The night I went to kill her, I saved her from two vampires trying to kill her. I ended up imprinting on her and I fell in love with her. I explained that to Emmet's parent's but James didn't wanna let it go. He knows she is my imprint and I don't know for sure why he is after Jenna on this level, but he wants her dead."

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