Chapter Nine

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"You wanted to see me father...?"


~Adam's POV~

"Yes now come here." My youngest child, Jennie makes her way towards me. "Have a seat." She hesitantly sits down. "Whats wrong father?" She looks at me suspiciously before continuing to speak. "Not to be rude but you don't really ever talk to me."

I sigh deeply before replying back to her. "Jennie, the dark lord wants you to do something for him." She looks at me in a very confused way. "What?"

~Jennie's POV~

"What could he possibly want me to do for him?" My eyebrows furrow. This was something new, I've been in this family since birth and Voldemort never wanted me to do anything for him, it was always my brothers. "He wants you to keep an eye on Ariana and Harry Potter."

I just sigh not even surprised, of course he asked me to do something as simple as this, sure it's not as bad as killing someone but I felt that it was just to simple of a job for me to handle. "Whatever." I see that my father just slightly glances at my face.

"You know Jennie..." He starts to speak but pauses. "You remind me of your mom." I look at my hands trying to remember the woman who died all those years ago. But the truth is I never had the chance to meet her, she died giving birth to me. "I never knew her so I don't know how to respond to that."

~The next day~

Pretty soon I was back at school, everyone noticed when I came back and when they asked I replied with a family emergency. I sit in the library reading and listening to the conversation between Ariana and Harry.

"Snape did it Ariana why won't you believe that?!" Harry whisper yells at my younger cousin. "Harry I just can't believe it, Snape and Dumbledore were close..." Ariana softly replies sounding hurt that her own boyfriend yelled at her.

"Ariana he's a Death Eater, just like Draco and just like your cousin." He tells her loudly so then everyone in here stops and turns to look at him. I stood up and loudly slammed my book shut, now it was my turned to be looked at.

I leave the book on the table and walk up to the pair. "Listen Potter." I glare angrily at the boy who sits in front of me. "Jennie don't..." My cousin grabs my arm but I yank it away from her. "So help me if you keep spreading around those fake rumours saying that I'm a Death Eater again I will bloody end you."

My eyes were slowly glowing green, this happens to my brothers and according to my father it happened to my mother as well. He just smirks at me cockily and I scoff and walk away.

I head outside of the library only to be followed by my short cousin. "Jennie he didn't mean it you know." She speaks to me kindly but I don't buy it. "Ariana he meant every bloody word he said, why are you being so dense?" I look at her and sigh seeing her hurt expression.

This is what I mean.. she always defends Harry... I love her she's my cousin but when it comes to things like this, even if you say one mean word, she breaks.

Her father was the cause of this he was an asshole and he is now in Azkaban, but she has her mother to look after and care for her.

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