Chapter 7

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Jade's POV

I hate Tori Vega. I thought as I jumped into my car, determined to get as far away from aforementioned girl's house as humanly possible. I hate her. I hate being around her, I hate the way everyone thought she was so perfect and I hate the way she got all the good roles over me. I stomped my foot on the gas pedal and rushed out of the Vega's driveway, a small part of my mind remembering I had to take Beck back home. Oh well, he'll find another way. The rest of my mind was consumed with thoughts of the half-Latina girl I'd just left behind, and I hated that. I hate the way she just walked in and took over like she owned the place. I hate how... how she would help me out when I needed it, no matter how horrible I'd been to her in the past and how she'd just brush off my attempts at sabotage like it was nothing. I hate the way her eyes would light up when she was really happy about something and how she looked so fantastic no matter the amount of make up she applied. I hate the way she made me notice these little things about her, and I especially hate the way she was making me feel right now, so confused, so scared and

I had to jam my foot on the brake to stop myself from crashing into the car in front. I was so lost in my own thoughts that I hadn't even noticed that I'd driven myself pretty much all the way home, and was now only a block away from my house. I tried to rid myself of anything that involved Tori Vega as I swung my car into its parking spot then pushed myself out, slowly making my way to the front door that I slammed loudly behind me as I entered.

"Will you keep the noise down!" My father barked, glancing up from the mountain of paper work that sat before him, looking more than stressed. "Oh, it's you, Jade. I thought you said you wouldn't be home 'til late tonight."

"Changed my mind." I said simply. "I'm going to my room now."

I left my father to do whatever he was doing, something boring to do with work that I couldn't care less about, no doubt, and made my way through the house towards my bedroom, hoping for no more interruptions on the way. Unfortunately, my irritant of a little sister, Isabella, decided to take this moment to come out of her own room, eyes so glued to her PearPhone that if I hadn't of held my hand up to stop her, we would've collided in the middle of the corridor.

"Watch where you're walking, pest." I spat.

"Alright, snappy!" She huffed, still focused on whatever she was typing to one of her annoying little friends. "What's got your knickers in a knot!"

"None of your business!" I growled, taking a step closer to the younger girl, bending down slightly to look at her menacingly. "And if you don't get out of my way, now, then it'll be your knickers in a knot!"

Isabella raised an eyebrow at me in challenge, but stepped aside anyway, continuing her walk to the front room, probably to lounge about in front of some horrible reality tv show for the rest of the night. I was thankful because I really couldn't be bothered to deal with her right now, there was too much on my mind already without having her there too. If only I could put Isabella and Vega in a bag, shake them up and throw them in a river, then all of my problems would be solved.

I finally made it to my room and, with a sigh, threw my bag in one direction while simultaneously falling backwards onto my bed, my head buzzing with so many thoughts and feelings, stuff I didn't want to think about, stuff involving a certain brown eyed brunette. Everything about today was a blur. At school, I had thrown myself all over Beck, trying to concentrate on him and keep things the way they had always been, but something felt off. His arms felt wrong around me, his lips felt strange and rough every time we kissed. As much as I hated to admit it to myself, things between Beck and I had been a bit stale for a while, we'd been together for over 2 years now and things were becoming routine, done because that's what we were used to. He was a great guy, and I did love him, but... something was wrong. I knew it was there, but this was the first time I'd really felt it, the first time I realised that something had completely changed.

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