About The Dragon's Hoard

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Alright alright, it's time for the second annual Dragon's Hoard writing contest!

The basis for this contest comes from me, the Dragon, hyenagal, being a hoarder of fantasy stories.

And this year, I'm adding more to the hoard.

Last year's contest was specifically for short stories, this year I'll also allow for novelette, novella, and novel-length stories, and perhaps some flash fiction as well. There will be five slots for each length category, and I'm counting on you guys to fill them! The contest closes whether or not these slots are full after this semester ends, once I'm able to read and judge them properly.

I'll be posting the rules in an hour or so, along with the slots for each length category and information on prizes!

So we are clear: I will be giving Feedback to all entries. It doesn't help those who score lower if they don't get feedback, which has always been a problem for me with other writing contests. All of your stories will be publicized on my personal account, in a reading list called "The Dragon's Hoard 2019" (mainly to help me keep track of them)

If you break the rules (again, will be posted shortly) your story will be automatically disqualified.

I don't make you guys fill out applications, I don't make you tag twenty people, I don't make this more of a hastle than it needs to be.

To enter, you will however find a password in the rules and must comment with the password, tell me the title of your story, which length category it's in, and I ask that you tag your story with #thedragonshoard

So until the rules go up in an hour (once I'm home and relaxed lol), I'll see you soon!

The Dragon's Hoard writing contest 2019Where stories live. Discover now