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Those words were but a warning.

To see if you were made of steel, 

or something better. 

Think of it as a welcome mat- except full of thorns and traps. 

And if you've reached till here, 

Heed my words:

Caelis doesn't take kindly to the weak of mind and heart. 

It shall do you well to remember that.


Caelis: Heavens 

This city, long forgotten in history books, ironically, holds up the very strings of your miserable Earth. Each and every person residing there holds the key to unimaginable power and the fate of your precious world lies in the hands of the most powerful sorcerers in the entirety of the universe.

And yet, you fail to recognize them. They are there- they are next to you. They look like you, act like you, talk like you.

They are not you.

They can create storms by snapping their fingers, extract souls without so much as a blink.

They can bring you extreme happiness or be the cause of extreme pain.

They are the Diviners.

And they are watching you.

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