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You opened your eyes.

That was the first sign that something was wrong.

You found yourself on a boat floating on a river so black it could pass as tar. The murky black called out to you, as if had a voice of its own. As if it had secrets kept that it wanted you to hear. 

But soon that black seeped out, you found yourself at the shore of a glassy beach, made of obsidian sand and amethyst trees.


That's how many people were waiting for you past the shore.

Waiting for you all.

That's when you noticed that you were not alone.

Millions of others like you, wearing the same confused expressions stood on the vast shore. 

The four people spoke loudly but softly, as though their voice box came with an inbuilt microphone and it caused no strain to speak.

You caught what each of them said clearly.

"Natural deaths here."

"Natural calamities here." 

"Accidentals here."

"Major crimes here."

You felt a tug on the very essence of your being, and your legs carried you towards the man who said "Major crimes."

He calmly took your hand, his striking white hair and brilliant violet eyes the only things you could catch in the dark, and he whispered,

"Welcome to Caelis, the land of souls."

He paused as though carefully choosing his words,

"We're going to find out who killed you."


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Souls of CaelisWhere stories live. Discover now