The Powers

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These four powers divide Caelis's people. Each division makes the human world inhabitable and safe.


Made of necromancers

Necromancers: communicate with the dead and are responsible for the holding of souls in either heaven or hell.

Two subdivisions:

Necromancer Intelligence Council (NIC)

Necromancer Agency of Investigative Crimes (NAIC)

NIC: Comprised of high-level Necromancer judges, detectives, uniformed officers who make the final decisions on the placing of souls in heaven or hell. (Sort of like the supreme court) They also work closely with the Reaper and the diviners to bring souls into Caelis.

NAIC: Lower level Necromancer detectives, when the souls are brought to the "Major Crimes" holding cell, these detectives are sent to conduct an investigation on earth to find out who killed the soul. This is so that the NIC and the Reaper can speed up the division process when the soul does come to Caelis and so that they don't need to conduct a screening process. 


Made of Diviners .

Diviners are of every form but consist of roles kept for the commoners.

People who don't go into MORTEM , TEMPUS or ELEMENTA carry out daily jobs in Caelis. Such as apothecary, making amulets and charms, civil service etc. 


Made of the Chrona (time keepers)

Order of the Chrona (OoC):The Chrona's job is to see the future and keep track of the events that are to occur on earth that could potentially start a butterfly effect.

Chrona Military Corps (CMC) :Their job is to make sure those events happen and the chronology of earth isn't tampered with. The Order sends the CMC to Earth to make sure those events happen.


Made of Warlocks

Warlocks keep the balance between the elements (Air, water, earth, fire) and are in charge of all the natural calamities that occur.

 Warlocks work closely with the Chrona and the Necromancers by  handling the natural calamities holding cell and causing the natural calamities that "plague" Earth.

They are also responsible for the creation of new elements (lending a hand in the humans search for more elements in the periodic table)

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