The Last Fall

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The Last Fall

The third and the final fall of snow fell from the white domes at the early approaching hours the fourth morning after Shax left me. I had phased a few times by that point; just in time before my body literally did phase into an icicle and my soul was dragged out. Ada was being weird; she kept telling me everything was going to be ok, and that, sometimes the things which we are most scared of, are the things which make us happy. Well, I laughed at her, being slaughtered by Amoux is surely nothing which would have made me happy!

Laughing.. It was the only thing I appeared to be doing these past few days since Kallum, Shax, Thea and the other's left.

When Ada would feed, I'd laugh at her. When the delusion of the foggy eyes trapped in a transparent bubble appeared, I laughed at that too and stated that I was finally going insane. Even when the last fall of snow dropped, I laughed at it also for I thought it was rather ridiculous how it seemed to keep piling up, up and up, and ever since it dropped, it never ceased and I ended up burying myself deep within the snow itself.

[The snow used to make me sneeze a lot.] Ada huffed. ['Tis true! Whenever I'd sleep underneath a thin sheet of snow, I used to breathe it in and it would tickle my nose, which evidently caused me to sneeze - non stop! I once met a wolf, who was a friend of that so called panther you're keen of, and the snow used to fill him with gas. Oh it was disgusting so it was! And utterly repulsive, the smell I mean. But hey, what more can one big white wolf do?' ], she chuckled and so did I.

It was bright that morning. The snow seemed to be flaking off from the sun above, the sky was clear and white and the sort-of-cave-thing, where I've been sleeping and seemingly hiding, was warm and rather homely. Sounds eccentric to even say or think that. A cave... being... homely! I was a human. This made me laugh again! Humans should be thinking about little cottages which are homely; an apartment, a living room, those are homely, not a cave!

Anyway, that evening seemed to be growing darker by the second, which was peculiar for it should've foretold me something - it should've told me that Amoux was approaching sooner than expected, and he was. I heard a few wolves howl from down the slope, holding their voices on an omnipotent note. It was then when my teeth seemed to clamp shut but without force for had no energy left in me - no feeling whatsoever. I could feel nothing apart from fear.

I looked about, my ears flickering about unnaturally while a tremor of fear began to rise up inside me and began to shake..

And none too quickly after the escalation of the bubble, I caught glimpse of a shadow which was slowly but surely making its way towards to me up the slope. I shrank back a bit as the shadow stopped and shot me a long scrutinising grimace..

[He's here.]. Ada gulped, her voice all off-balance, which was rare from her usually controlled manner.

And both she and I were right, he was here. Amoux... had... arrived.

I can remember the first and last time I ever saw him, and how he looked identical to Kallum, only he had a white front paw and the end of his tail had been gnawed off.

"There you are!" Amoux took a step forward, while, without hesitating, an army of wolves towed behind him, forming a straight line. "We've been waiting a long time for you," he nodded and I could see his heart jumping unsystematically within his chest with excitement. I felt... scared, but at the same time angry. He stepped forward and I growled. It was, from my remembrance, my most malicious and emphasising growl I had ever done in all the time I've been a werewolf..

"Now, now, now!" A mocking voice hushed from behind Amoux. Amoux grinned and began stepping forward, where he began directing me.

"So you're the one...? Well, come on then, let us get first get introduced, eh?" His attitude was mocking and irritating, again I was growling, all the while Ada was shouting abuse at him in my head.

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