Chapter Two

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The next day, I wake up to the smell of coffee brewing. I walk down stairs and see Alec and Jace drinking coffee from two of dad's huge ass coffee mugs. They were arguing loudly over who would win in a fight: Captain America or Iron Man.

"Alec, you're a fucking moron." Jace says.

"Says the one operating on a single brain cell." Alec says rolling his eyes.

"Good morning boys." I say sitting down next to Jace.

"Morning Luna," Jace says with a smile. "You want the rest of my coffee? I can't finish it. Alec ruined my appetite."

Alec rolls his eyes hard. "You're so full of bullshit, Jace." He says.

"Yeah sure." I say taking the coffee. I love the way Jace makes his coffee. I have no idea what he does to it, but it always taste amazing.

"Sky, about last night...I'm sorry I yelled at you and said you smelled like road kill." Alec says.

"It's okay Alec. I overreacted." I say. I take a sip of my coffee. "So what's on the shadowhunters' agenda today?"

"Well I'm going to go find our little mundane friend. Hodge wants to see her." Jace says.

"Friend is a strong word." I mutter into my coffee cup.

"Aw don't be like that Sky. How about you come with me? I could use the company." Jace says.

"Fine whatever. But I'm only going because I don't want to stay home." I say.

"That's the spirit Sky! We'll leave at about 3 o'clock. I heard she likes going to this place where they read poetry. So we'll start there." he says.

3 o'clock rolled around pretty fast. When Jace called me downstairs so we could go, I was still trying to put on Izzy's black knee high boots. I was wearing dark grey oversized shirt, black pantyhose, my black Shadowhunter cloak, and the boots. On my right thigh I have knife tied to my leg. I also put a medium sized seraph blade in each of my boots along with my stele. Finally I put two seraph blades on my back. I let my black waves flow down my back and my side bangs cover a little bit of my right eye. I quickly run down the stairs to meet Jace.

"Well don't you look stunning. Just like a girl version of Alec." Jace says smirking.

I smile. "Jace, we all know I'm more beautiful than Alec. Come on let's go find the mundie." I say opening the door. I've been told I look like Alec before. We both have sapphire blue eyes (except mine are a bit brighter), fair skin, and jet black hair. But that is pretty much where the sibling resemblance ends. Alec is tall and I'm short. Alec has dad's nose and I have mom's. You know, little things like that.

"So I've been thinking, what if I got a motorcycle? I mean it's better than walking everywhere." Jace says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"That would be awesome! But you can't drive a motorcycle if you don't know how, Jace." I say.

"That is a very good point Skylar. Except I actually do know how to ride a motorcycle. I learned when I was 10. Just before I came to live with you guys." Jace says.

"Well in that case, I think you should. It would be fun to ride around in." I say smiling.

"Okay, we are almost there. We need to put on glamours." Jace says, taking out his stele.

"Okay." I say reaching into my boot and taking out my stele. I burn the rune into my skin quickly. We can't stop for long just in case the mundane leaves. "Is that it?" I ask pointing to a little hole in the wall place down the street.

"Yeah, that's it. Let's go in." Jace says. Jace and I walk in right as this guy is reading some very crappy poetry. I mean it's really horrible. I respect the people that didn't leave once he started.

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