The Call

991 17 4

Hannah's POV

I really did have a nice time with Grace today. I'm so happy she started to talk to me again. I'm so happy I have more time for my friends now.

This kitchen is a mess but the cake was delicious. Grace seemed so happy to be here too! She wasn't like the way she was a lunch. She was interactive, fun, silly. She was starting to being back to her old self.

I hear my phone go off. That's weird. Who could it be? I walk over to my phone but it wasn't there. "Oh great." I say out loud. I start digging though room and finally found it. I see the caller ID. Grace?

Why would Grace be calling me? We just hanged out today for the whole day. Did she forget something? Before the call went to voicemail, I answered it.


"Hannah?" Grace said with sniffles. Something's wrong.

"Grace? Grace Honey are you okay?" I ask with great worry in my words. I wouldn't let here leave me again.

"Hannah can you come over please? I need you." She said crying. She needs me. I need to get to her.

"Don't worry Gracie. I'll be over in ten. Stay still okay?" I say as I grab my car keys. "Okay." She said. And then we hang up. O God Gracie.

The drive was ten minutes but, the moment I got into that car, it felt like a life time. "Grace just hang in there." I say to myself again. Finally I pul I to Grace's home. The door on the front porch doesn't look normal. Oh fear Grace.

I get out of my car and run to the door.

I knock when I get there but, when she didn't answer within seconds I went in.

"Grace?" I asked loudly. I could hear crying then saying my name. I walk to the area in which Grace was. Thank God she didn't do anything stupid. But, she looks awful. The house looks the same too.

"Gracie?" I say crouching down to sit next to her. Grace looks at me and tears are balling faster. I offer a hug and she crawed in like a little puppy. She rest her head to my shoulder. 'He left me. Hannah" Grace mumble next to my chest. "I thought he would be stronger Hannah. I thought he would get over it and be here for me. And now he's just gone."

"Grace everything is going to be okay." I say. I can't believe that Chester just left. After Grace was just opening put again. But, I'm not apart of their relationship. So I don't know their whole story. "Mamrie and I are here for you." Poor Grace but, why did this all happen?

"Hey do you want to talk about it?' I ask. "It might help little." Which I should think will. If I know whats been bother her I could fix it. "When I came in, he kiss me and ask me if I feel something." Grace said then sniffled for a couple of seconds. I hate seeing those beautiful brown eyes of her's all red and puffy.

She starts balling in tears again. I know how she feels. It was hard with some of my relationships too.But I just really do hate when Gracie feels like this. Wait. When did I started calling her Gracie?

"The thing was Hannah I didn't feel anything with that kiss about him." Grace said. "I use to feel like a spark or some sort of feeling. But lately its been nothing. And I been trying to fix it, but its not there anymore." Thats whats wrong.

"Its okay Gracie." I tell her. "Sometimes things just seem perfect for the moment, but in the long run in life it wasn't meant to be." Grace starts crying again. I wrap in my arms and try to soothe her. I rumbed her back and handled her.

"Hannah?" Grace says after we sat in sliene for a couple of minutes. "When does its stay the same forever? When do you find the one that you're going be with forever?"

"Grace if I knew the ways of love, I would be off and married with kids by now." I say. Grace laughs. I giggle. She's smiling now. That light is there that wasn't there for a long time. "But, If I had to say it would be that person that always makes you smiling, makes you laugh. That person that always brighten ups your day. Brings the best out of you. Yea you two will get in fights and it wouldn't be perfect. But at the end of the day you are just happy to have them with you."

Grace is quite and just snuggles to my side. Gosh what time is it? "Hannah?" Grace asked. "Hannah what if..." She stop in mid sentece. "Do you think you could spend the night with me?" She asked. She looks up to me with those beautiful eyes. "I don't really want to be alone." I smile. "Why of course Grace." I say.

I mange to get Grace to get up and eat a litttle some. We're in her kitchen, I try to keep her mind off things by talking about stupid stories of us. We're both laughing are butts off. "I can't believe you fell four time in Ice cream." Grace said. "Oh remember My Drunk Pumpkin!" I shout. Grace is giggling. "Don't remember me!" But this time at the mist of Grace's laugh, she started to yawn.

"You getting tried?" I ask. "Nah no I'm fine." I look at the clock hanging saying that it was 2 in the morning. "Grace seriously though we should probably get some sleep." I say Grace's yawns again, the nods in agreement with me. I have left some of my comfy clothes here for those nidhts I'm hammer at Grace's house and just crash. So I went in the guest bathroom to change and Grace went into her's.

For some strange reason the bathroom is like on the side of the house for the guest bedroom. So I walk pass Grace's door. When I just pass the door Grace came out and grab me by the arm. "Hannah?" She ask. "Do you mind if you slept in my room?" I am kind of confuse by question but what the heck with it. "Sure Grace."

A joy of smile comes on to Grace's face as she drags me into her room. We hop into the bed, her on one side, me on the other. We sat talk for what seems like hours. We talk about youtube, french bulldogs, and everything. When I check time at 3, I told Grace that we should sleep now. We say good night and I turn to my side and close my eyes.

"Hannah." Grace said after a few minutes of slience. I turn back to her. "Yes Gracie" I say. "Thank you for being here for me today." Grace says then her eyes starts tearing up again and she loses eye contact with me. "Hey Gracie look at me." I says and once again with those gorgeruos brown eyes. She looks to me. I put my hand on her shoulder. "I will always be there for you no matter what." I say "Promise?" Grace ask putting her pinkie out like little kids do. I smile and wrap my pinkie around her."Promise"

And we lied there alll cuddled up until we both droozie off into a beauiful sleep.


Ssssssssssssssssssooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! That was a chapter. I actually think it came out better than I expected it to. Oh wait.... There was some thing important that I was going to say.......what was it?......OH yea! THANK YOU ALL SO SO SO SO MUCH FOR OVER A THOUSAND READS!!!!!! THAT IS AMAZILY AWESOME! You peeps are the best. THANK YOU! Really tho I really didn't think I was a good writer or good anything for that matter. But a Thousand reads! That means a lot to me. So onces again thank you thank you thank you!

Also evr want to chat or fangirl on how hot Hannah is or Holy Trinty. I'm always here! (well when there is a wifi connection) I also my kik is PrincessofDreamz. Why did I ever choose that? I don't know.

Last thing, is my FOTC (Fanfiction of the chapter) thing I'm doing. So one of the stories I'm reading now is Guardian by lxrry_stylxnsxn I think I got that right anyways, its a really cute story about hartbig being in college and a lot of other stuff I dont want to ruin it for you. Another I really like is Hartbig by Hartbigfordays Ugh! Words can't even say how amazing this story is. And I can't tell you peeps anything cause.. you are just going to have to read it yourself. So go check them out!

Also votes and comments are cool! What else..... I don't know. :)Sami(:

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