Love on screen

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Grace's POV

I think it's about time I tell the fans I'm dating Hannah now. It's been four months now. I already told my family about us, and as always they were really supportive to me. Now I think I should tell the people who kind of brought us both together.

"Hannah are you coming in or what?" I yell from the other room. Hannah comes in looking out of breath.

"Man who knew Ollie and Goose can ran that fast. Those two are just something." Hannah said while trying to get back into her normal state of breathing. Ollie is Hannah's new puppy that she got two weeks ago. She is one of the cutest things next to Goose and Beanz of course.

Hannah push record and moved a chair next to me.

"Did you turn the mic on?" I ask
"Of course I did Grace."
"Are you sure?" I ask again. Hannah gives me a look then walks over to the camera again. And flips the mic on.
"I knew you.."
"Oh shut up Grace!" Hannah said scattily

She's so beautiful.

"Grace?" Hannah ask. I snap out of my daydream. "Wait what?" I say and that's how we start the video.

"So hey kids, guys, people, humans, however you want to refer yourselves as. I'm here with Hannah because we have something to say." I just want to get this done and over with. I don't care who notices about us. I just want to be open with Hannah and everyone.

"Now I know you're all wondering. "What on earth are you two going to say?"" Hannah takes in. "Well kids and adults, I'm kind of in a relationship now." My mouths opens shockingly.

"O my god really!" I say. "That's so weird because I'm in one too." Hannah's mouth is now wide open."Wow Grace! That's amazing! I wonder who the charming, lucky, beautiful, person is?" Hannah says to the camera doing the thinker pose. "Okay. That's enough." I say putting my hand on her face and pushing her away.

"Yes if you couldn't guess, Hannah and I are dating." Hannah pops back into frame. "And I got a puppy!" Hannah said bring Ollie in frame as well. "Ok what's more important me or the dog?" I ask. Then Goose hoped on to my lap and started licking me. "I can ask you them same question." Hannah say. "Ok that was all I got for this video. I promise you all next week, we will show you the "I-can't-talk-about-it." Adventure." I say as Ollie and Goose hop away from us. "Check out Hannah for more of here."

Hannah waves. "Also guys what would Ollie and Goose's ship name be. Leave in the comments below." I look at Hannah strangely. "What Hannah they'd shopping dogs now?" I ask. Hannah's giggling now. "I don't know." And then I turn the camera off.

"Now that's over with." I say giving Hannah a smirk. Hannah's getting the message. I leap over to Hannah on the couch and started to kiss her. It was a different kind of kiss. More of a sexy one then a gentle soft ones we usually have. I kind of like it.
Then just as the fun began, my phone started to ring. It was Mamrie. "Mames what's up?"
"Hey I was just wondering if you and Hanny wanted to come over. Tyler and Connor are here." I look at Hannah, giving her the "do you wanna go look". She nodded yes. We actually haven't been out for away.
"Yea! Sounds like fun see ya in ten."
"See us." I hang up.
Hannah leans in for another kiss.

"I'm going to go change." Hannah said getting up for the couch.

"I think you look fine in what you're in."

"In my underwear Grace!" Hannah says half way in the hallway.
"It's your sexiest outfit." I say smiling like a goof now. She came back and kiss me again.
"Get ready you goof" she said then ran into the bedroom.


"Grace hurry up." Hannah said in a whining voice from other side of the door. "I'm almost done just wait a minute."

"We told Mamrie we would be there ten minutes ago and plus some of us have to pee." She whines again. I finish up my eye liner and open the door. Hannah ran in as fast as she could. Then shuts the door.

"I'll be in the car, when you're ready."

I gather my things and head to the door. As I was about to open my phone goes off. It's my text ring. I looked at my phone and almost drop it.

The text was from Chester.


Ooooooohhhhh snap! What's going to happen??!?! I don't know. Anyways. Yea.... I did it. I been on vacation and I also just finish a musical. So I'm done with that and sure be writing more. Plus Hartbig lately!😍lol. They are adorable! Also I got a tumblr if Any of you peeps care or were wondering. It's SamiRainbowz and I don't what I'm doing so that's fun. Votes and comments are cool! Yea.. That's it. Lates!

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