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I've been reading over and re-assessing the storyline for quite a while thinking about how it can improve. Turns out that in the chapters I have written and aren't published as of yet, aren't as good as I'd like it to lead so I've decided to rewrite the book.

I'll publish it once I'm finished writing it all so there won't have to be any wait in between chapters and you don't forget what happened previously. You can follow my profile to be notified when I republish the new version of 'Ivy On The Wall' or add this book to your library as I'll add an update when it is uploaded.

I plan to have the characters introduced in a less obvious way and hit the romance up a notch seeing as not much has happened in what I've currently written. So far the whole plot has been established and is way more organised but the chapters still need to be written up.


If you have any suggestions as to what you would like to see in a prison romance or this book in general, feel free to message me privately or leave a comment :)

I didn't expect anyone to actually come and read this book but there are more and more people reading each chapter with each day so I'm honestly really thankful.

Sorry for writing so much and stopping this book halfway, can't wait to finish the rewrite.

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