entry 11

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So this is a little question? this story is basically a recreation of my life and I wanna follow true to that but some parts of my life are things I think you don't wanna hear but in short my parents drink a lot they don't harm me but my mom becomes a baby and i kinda have to babysit her and dad just ignores it and I have to deal with it but if I don't do that because I'm tired they get in little fights over nothing and I'm a very paranoid person and I Imagen  things like divorce, suicide and all that and I just can't handle that but if I don't do stuff things escalate. examples are 1 the fights 2 my mom makes me feel bad if I go to bed early because I don't know to handle it anymore . but do you guys want these episodes of my life in the story or not because I want it to be a mystery romantic and comedy but I'm just asking so leave it in the comments

Your POV

After the team building I learned a lot about my classmates and teacher like small secrets but our class is already like a family we like each other and its just so nice to be in a class like that because I finally have a real school life not just being pushed around. I love it.

"Hey what do we have now" I asked gill. "Let me see... Ow we have lunch. I'm starving!" She said. We followed the rest of the class into a building and took our seats. I sat next to aari and tess.

We got our food and ate. It was OK but it was a weird meet with fish inside it. Damn the inside was nasty but the sauce and veggies were good so I ate that.

"Hey" said a shy voice. I looked an it was Tess omg she is talking to me the edgy and totally adorable Tess is talking to me! I fangirled "hey Tess " I said back faking my happiness. "Is it really true that you almost died so often" she asked me. "Yea I'm just lucky I guess but I like to take risks it keeps life interesting" I said calmly she looked at me with a sort of sarcastic laugh. "What is something wrong"i asked clueless"well its just you don't wanna die but you almost do and I don't its kinda weird" she said. " AWWWW HELL NO you deserve to live you are beautiful and you draw supper well" I said overdramatic as I side hugged her."I'm gonna protect you you little potato"i said. "Well if you say so then you are welcome. Wanna be friends" she asked."IS THAT EVEN A QUESTION ME AND AARI WOULD LOVE TO " I beamed.

After that we walked out together and talked about each others interest before we had to do more activities

Next up was exotic music.
It was mostly African instruments but Somme Asian ones to our teacher tried to play an Asian harp thing and was pretty good at it.

We had a break afterwards they gave out apple juice and waffles but there where a lot missing and I mean a tone there were only four left. The staff thought it was a fail order and went one with their day.

In the evening we went to a indoor water park.... I couldn't swim I had a wound on my knee and it wasn't aloud to come in contact with water to much. So I sat there alone but there where some other girls so I talked to them they were from the photography class and really quirky and nice. The hours went bye quick and I can't write in my journal because we had to go to sleep right away well I do it at home.

Well leave in the comments what you think of my idea


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