Preparing for Vidcon (Multi-part Story)

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James's POV

I was having a lot of fun with Adam. Having him sleep with me helped me feel safe. Talking to him made me feel like I wasn't alone. It was nice to have someone to look after you. But of course there's one of the most fun times of the year, Vidcon.

To be honest I was so excited to see all my friends again like Tim Tom and Jaiden and Anna. So many great friends and memories. Adam went outside to get some stuff so I though I would go and pack a few extra stuff. However I went into his room to see all his cloths still on the floor. I decided to help out.

I put in all sweaters and jeans for him. I packed in toothpaste and a toothbrush and any other stuff he needed.

I heard him come through the door. "James! I'm back!" he said while coming into his room. He looked extremely surprised. "James, did you pack up for me?" I nodded my head. He blushed. He's so cute when he does that. "Wow thank you James." "Well it was the least I could do. You helped me a lot."

"Are you gonna be ok for Vidcon? I was thinking we could share a room so I booked for us."

I smiled very brightly. "Sure. Thanks!"

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