Part 1

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Chapter 1

I couldn't feel anything, everything was spinning five hundred miles all at once. I blinked and everything went pitch black. Where am I? What is this place? There were millions of questions that were racing through my head. I blinked again; I was somewhere else that was not my house. But, there I was at a thin and frail forest. Throughout the trees was a town that looked mostly destroyed. Suddenly a plane flew overhead, dropping bombs that looked like weights falling through the sky. Once the bombs ever so slightly touch something, anything, it was blown into millions of pieces. Then setting those pieces into flame. I saw people fleeing their town. The full incalculable vicinity blew up Everyone was hurt or dead, or even sometimes both. People were hurt, badly. There was blood all over them.

I could tell they were trying to flee into a different place that was safer than this one.

I was just watching this all happen. Not moving, frozen like the dead bodies laying on the floor. Which would make some people stumble over and fall. The bombs that were sent flying through the air, would make terrible blows to the ground and a horrible noise would follow. The sound felt like it had broken the sound barrier. The bombs were clearly for a mass murder. They were sent to kill all of the innocent people that were happy. One after one they would send them. They would fall a straight line, like weights.

That night, I knew that I was not going to be safe. There were hours of the planes still flying in the air. Even after all of the people left. There were planes that tried to get the last people in that town killed. I've heard a few people being yelled at, then a gunshot being right after. I could hear everything that was going on. I was close to them, and some not so much.

After all of the planes left, I had to scramble to the town to find a place to sleep. The town was really small and there were not a lot of clues where I was at. All of the letters on some of the buildings were wiped out by all of the bombs. There was one building that had most of one word that had cafe in Vietnamese. I didn't think that this place was the Vietnam war. I had known about it from my parents and my grandparents. There were many things that they didn't want to talk about. I had found a small house that had one wall missing, for me to stay. It didn't bother me. There was a table, a desk, a mattress, and a lamp. I had searched through the house for a new cover for the bed. If I had found a cover. I had found a few covers for the bed along with a few that had fit a kids bed. I put a new cover on the mattress, so that I didn't sleep on the dirty mattress. I also took a few of the kid's bed covers and scrunched them into what was almost a pillow but, wasn't exactly there. I turned the table that was in the next room that was mostly exposed, to the side of the bed. I had turned the table to give me a little more protection. I looked for a calendar for what month and year it was. I had found one hanging on the wall. It was the Vietnam War. I could not sleep because of what I had just experienced and where I am at. After restless hours of thinking about the planes and the killings. I would finally fall asleep.

I woke up breathing heavily, I was terrified. I began crying. I had seen too much yesterday. I had seen murders and dead bodies. There was too much going on. An overcoming sadness went over me. I got depressed, I was experiencing a war and I have seen a lot. I just laid on the mattress. I tried to fall asleep again and forget about everything.

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