Part 3

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Chapter 3

I had gone to sleep and woken up to see police around the bed. They were asking me questions. There were so many that the world before me began to spin. Some of the questions were painful for me to answer. I was scared. It was the most painful experience that I have ever had. This had me bursting into tears, I was trying to pull myself together. But, the police thought that all of the questions were enough for me and that it was too painful.

After the commotion, I was home, I was in my bed. I was there. I went home finally. I went to my own time. Not where there is war, or in the hospital. There were so much that was going through my head. I had laid on my bed for a few hours, binge-watching some T.V. Later that day, I got up and was searching on what or who was doing this to me. I had a general idea of what and who did it to me.

The empty room that I was using to figure what was happening to me. There were pictures, sticky notes, etc. I wrote down that there were people with the same voices around when it was happening. They had very distinctive voices. I think that they were wearing costumes everywhere I went. So, that would not raise suspicions. They also had the same name tags, which was at a place that is trying to figure out time travel.

I went to their website to see if they had any job offers. I did not see any job offers, but I did see that there were internships that were going on. I had decided to intern there to see if it was them that was controlling me. I entered for the internship.

I had was accepted into the internship. I had seen all of the people testing the serum in which had a neon color. The color of whatever fluid was inside these serums caught my eye. They were using mice and other animals to test the peculiar liquids. All of the scientists had claimed that all of the testings would not hurt the animals. I can see all of the horrible things that were happening to the animals. All of the animals were put through grueling training. Some of the animals had been bruised and broken. The animals that went through the training had a remote when they were ready. Sooner or later, I was going to find out that all of the animals were going to be turned into a secret weapon. They would use the animals to see into the future, to get ready for any future wars. If the test did not work, the animals would be thrown out with all of the equipment that came with it. All of this was too painful for me to watch. It gave me chills to remember what would happen to the animals, the fact that I could predict what would happen to each poor soul tore at my happiness.

As the days went on, I was taking notes about this place. There were many shady things about this building. There were many things that were not helping the situation. But, they had to cover all of this up of course. So there would be people that would volunteer as test subjects. But, I was the living proof that they figured out that they had figured out time travel for humans.

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