Chapter 5

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Andrea could not believe her eyes at what she was looking at. In the mirror was a reflection of herself, but she could not fathom the idea of it to be her. Looking in the mirror was a flawless version of herself. She was in a skirt made of stocks of grain, but that was the only conservative point in her outfit. Her chest was covered only by large necklaces that were from a time before Panem. The necklaces that she wore were traditional Inca necklaces that were placed to perfectly keep her outfit suitable for viewers. The three necklaces were made of gold with moonstones encased into the necklaces. Andrea had grain and gold bracelets around her wrists and anklets around her ankles however she was left barefoot. Her hair was put up in a high ponytail which was put in place by a string of tweed. Looking at her face, she noticed that there were no significant changes since Julio wanted Andrea to be recognizable throughout her time in the Hunger Games. The only make up that was on her face was gold eyeliner and lash extensions to draw people into Andrea's eyes.

Julio looked over her tribute once more to see if there was anything that she needed to change. The young stylist decided that Andrea was up to her standard of perfection and told the young teen that she looked beautiful, even if it was most of the prep team's work. As Andrea was about to leave to go to the carriages for the parade when Julio spoke up. "Andrea, just make sure not to make any sudden moves, or you might just flash all of Panem." There was a teasing smile on the stylist's face, which caused Andrea to chuckle.

"Hey I mean, if worse comes to worst, at least I know I'll get a lot of sponsors," Andrea smirked at her stylist with a mischievous glint in her light brown eyes.

Julio winked at her tribute and said, "cheeky. I like it." Andrea was then pushed out the door and led to the chariots.

Andrea was early and learned that the parade wouldn't start for another hour. With that information, she decided to check out her competition. With a smirk on her face, she walked around the room and noticed that the careers were already grouped together, and talking like acquaintances. She decided not to confront all six of them at once, so she then turned and saw District 5's boy, one of the tributes that she thought could very well be a threat to her.

Andrea kept the smirk on her face and strode over to District 5's boy. He had noticed that she was walking over, and a confused look was evident on his face. "Well hello, Five. How's the Capitol been treating you? Well, I hope." She saw him grimace at the thought of the Capitol.

"Yes. It is very extravagant here." The boy in front of Andrea was trying to be as cautious as he could around her. He had also watched the reaping, and he had felt intimidated through the television screen. But now, with the girl in front of him, he noticed that she exuded confidence and charisma. Even though she was on the shorter side, he was intimidated by what she could do. He tried to avoid eye contact but not make it seem obvious by looking around the room.

"Oh, I bet its much different from your security box." Andrea tried to play it off as nonchalant, but still as an intimidation factor. She tried to hint that she knew more about him than he thought.

Just as expected, The boy's head whipped toward the small girl in front of her. His fear of the girl in front of him had increased a large amount just by that sentence because nobody in the Hunger Games knows anything about each other, or so the boy thought. Andrea knew more about him than he did. She already chose out his weapon for him, before he even had time to pick it up on the first day of training. "What did you just say?" His teeth were clamped down in agitation and fear.

"Oh, you heard what I said. I mean obviously, you don't really experience a lot of nice things because your parents aren't that high up in the ranks as security guards, even after working for over two decades. They do night shifts all the time am I right?" Andrea saw fear in the boy's eyes, knowing that she was correct. She could tell that the boy in front of her was wondering how she knew this. While watching the reaping, she noticed his parents in the crowd, weeping for their little boy. Both had dark circles under their eyes, from the lack of sleep that only a night shift can give someone. The dark circles and worn down posture was also evident on the boy during the reaping, before his name was called, meaning that he also had a night shift with his parents the day before the reaping. She knew that could mean trouble because he had stayed up in the late hours of the night while most tributes could only work in the day and fall asleep as soon as the sun was gone. "Well, I best be off. But hey, if you do get out of the Games, maybe you won't have to work the night shifts anymore with your parents." With that, Andrea gave the boy a smile and walked over to another possible threat.

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