Chapter 1

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Weeks had passed since the victor of the sixty-ninth Hunger Games had been crowned, and Finnick still had not talked to Andrea. Every Friday, she waited for an hour in the stairwell, and after the boy doesn't show up, Andrea would knock at his door, sitting outside for twenty minutes, all the while hearing him breathing on the other side. Six Fridays had passed and this had now become Andrea's most recent routine with Finnick. The first week, Andrea left the peach ice cream outside the boy's door, but when she had checked back the next morning, it had gone untouched. She wanted to plea to the boy to speak to her, for he was her only form of communication in the prison known as the Capitol. Not only that, but he was her communication to her family. 

The last letter that Andrea received from her family had spoken about how the Reaping was coming up and that Joseph had started to take a liking to a farmer's daughter on the other side of town. Andrea's mother wrote about how he would make up excuses to see her and bring the girl her favorite, an apple. The family wouldn't see him until way past sundown, always returning with a smile on his face and cheeks tinted pink. Alexis had started working as a harvester along with Joseph and their father only a few short months ago but she was a natural. The young girl had already sprouted up to be taller than their mother, much to her dislike. The last news on the letter was that her father had become ill. 

When Andrea heard this, she instantly wrote a letter back, but since Finnick had not returned back to District 9 before their argument, it was unlikely that he took the letter to her family. Andrea half expected that the boy burned it, along with her hopes of ever communicating with her family or friend ever again. 

One particular Friday night, Andrea raced home with familiar cuts and bruises, making it hard to move, after Yoldin had decided that Andrea's work had not lately been up to par. The bruised and bleeding girl sat in the stairwell for an hour, trying to apply pressure to her scalp, which had a particularly nasty cut. The glass table certainly was not a fan of the girl as it was pretty deep and caused blood to pour down her face. After an hour of waiting, Andrea limped over to Finnick's door and slid down slowly. No matter how hard the boy tried to be silent, she heard footsteps approach. Andrea tried to talk to the boy through his door, just wanting him to open up, "Finnick please." After her first sentence had left her mouth, Andrea could hear the boy suck in his breath but no response was uttered. "I miss you, Fish. I'm so terribly alone and I need you." Absolutely nothing could be heard. "I know you hate what I am, but there's nothing I can do to change it. I'm stuck, just like how you're stuck. It was never my choice to do what I'm doing, but if I don't you know the consequences and I cannot let my family get hurt," she tried to plea to the boy but Andrea could hear Finnick get up from the opposing side and walk away. 

Tears welled up in the brunette's eyes as she sat there for another half hour, trying to obtain enough strength to pull herself up from the floor and get to her bedroom, not even bothering at this point to take a shower until the morning. She knew that this would not be the last time that she would feel this dirty so why bother trying to wipe it off? She was no longer clean and no amount of showers would truly clean her from how disgusting she felt. 

It took Andrea an hour to get to her apartment and into her bed, not bothering to change from the powder blue dress stained red. Her knees ached and she wasn't sure as to whether it was from earlier in the night or her excursion to her apartment. As the girl laid in her bed, she thought of the one-sided conversation she had at Finnick's door and what she could have done to have that boy back. For a while Andrea wondered why she never mentioned what had happened that night to the boy she would once run to. That was the exact same thought that Finnick had when he opened his door in the morning and noticed the blood that decorated the walls and carpeting. The dread Finnick felt almost made him run up the stairs to see how the brunette was doing, but that wasn't enough to get him to stray from routine. Instead of heading up, the elevator took the boy down, and the train took him back to District 4. 

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