1: The Impotent Boulder

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No one noticed the quiet shadow slink away from the blazing glow of bonfires, until a child with a colourful bat painted on his face, looked around quickly. A hooded figure slipped around the corner of the nearest apothecary. Untroubled, the little boy ran after his friends, darting around the knees of dancing adults who were crowded in their gardens, pouring honey-coloured mead for their neighbours; they raised their cups in a series of joyful toasts:

"Many happy returns to the Heir!"

"Long live Thomas the Second!"

"To Thomas the wolf slayer!"

"May he kill all those dirty mutts!"

Bald, hairy-footed gnomes hid watching the revelry from the hedges - the foolhardiest gnomes ran out from time to time to snatch away a fallen piece of bread. One brazen gnome sat happily atop a bush, sucking on a stewed carrot, and didn't even glance up as the figure flashed past.

The dark shadow moved through the shade of enormous, looming mountains, flew over pitch-black ravines and raced through forests so thick that the sprawling roots were in constant darkness. Finally the silent silhouette paused and looked out onto the empty, silent streets of a town in the forefront of an enormous, purple-stained fort. If anyone had been watching, it would seem that the shape then vanished into thin air with a ringing pop.

Inside the purple fort, was a girl named Lila Malnufigira. Such was Lila's life that she hung up her bloodstained axe after combat training. As she pulled off her heavy leather boots, her wounds healed. Gone were her lazy afternoons where she could lie down with a good book. Now, all that Lila had to look forward to was training and more training.

"Forward! Forward!" the first general was heard barking to his troops.

Barefoot and preoccupied, Lila walked through the house. The stone walls andtiny windows were high, casting the maze of corridors into darkness. Lilapassed a patch of sun shining onto an austere courtyard of bare grass.

The pound of marching footsteps was drumming in her ears. The atmosphere was tangibly tense in her family home. The enemy could strike at any time. It wasn't that was Lila nonchalant about theimminent attack, but living in a fort and being who she was, Lila had come toexpect being attacked. Lila lamented over the fact she'd usually be having anafternoon nap roughly about now

Lila stopped at a doorway and looked in on a formidable sight. There sat ten, large generals at a table, dressed in armour, talking intensely among themselves. The room smelt stuffy, and plates of food lay untouched, growing cold and hard.

Lila wanted to avoid the bloodthirsty council if possible, but she saw a hooded shadow slither into the stale air through a side entrance. She stepped forward dutifully, feeling the thick carpet under her toes. Lila raised her voice and her right hand and announced, "The House of Malnufigira welcomes Claude, our trusted spy."

The generals glanced up towards Lila and then looked around for Claude. He stood quietly, half concealed by a large urn. Lila wondered what news Claude brought abouttheir enemy. The tidbits that Claude managed to scrounge up were usuallyvaluable.

"Claude!" a loud voice boomed into the room.

Magnus Malnufigira the Third, Lila's father, was twice the size and width of a normal man. He had jewels hanging in his long red beard, and they clinked together as he charged to the head of the table, eager to hear Claude's news.

"The Circle of Nubesperant eyes our trade routes," Claude's softly sinister voice spoke out, and he was greeted with cries of disapproval.

The Circle of Nubesperant was the ancient and deadly enemy, that for centuries the House of Malnufigira waged war and competition against. Lila looked at her father's angry face and hisangry generals.

Half-breeds at Hogwarts: PART 1 [COMPLETED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant