3: Hogwarts

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For the first time in weeks, Lila slept well. Then she jumped out of bed, bathed and immediately got dressed in her new school robes. A massive wooden chest was filled with her school things and Pippy the house elf helped Lila pack her trunk neatly before the rest of household had even woken up.

General Aureus joined them for breakfast in the ballroom. Magnus and Morgana had the house elves prepare Lila's favourite food. They tucked into pancakes and chicken wings, the parents in a glowing mood so different from the past fortnight.

"Do I get to go to King's Cross station and go to platform nine and three-quarters? Do I get to ride the Hogwarts Express train?" Lila asked Aureus excitedly.

General Aureus shook his head and grunted, "No, not safe."

The train was the way all the Hogwarts students arrived. It took them to the station of an all-magical town called Hogsmeade and then the students were taken on boats or in carriages up to the school.

Lila looked crestfallen at missing out on the traditional journey but perked up quickly. "Yeah the train is so slow and isolated. It wouldn't be prudent."

Morgana and Magnus came over to kiss their daughter.

"Here's a little something from us dear," Magnus said gruffly and Morgana handed Lila a little leather package.

Lila unrolled the leather to reveal a beautiful dagger and a flimsy sheath with a strap.

"That pouch is made of demiguise hair," Morgana explained. "You can conceal the dagger on you, so you'll never feel unarmed wherever you are."

Lila beamed. "This is awesome!"

"I knew you'd like it," Magnus said, ruffling Lila's hair affectionately.

"No school prefect is going to stop me carrying a weapon if I've got this," Lila said happily, tying the pretty dagger above her knee and watching it disappear and camouflage against her skin.

"Not that you'll need it," Aureus remarked.

"Better to have it and not need it," Morgana maintained, and wrapped her arms about her daughter.

It was not a tearful goodbye; Lila was too excited. Her and her guard departed at the same time as a decoy guard did. Several uneventful portkeys later, Lila sat eagerly in the back seat of a car next to some soldiers peering out at the blur of countryside flashing past.

When the two cars finally pulled up at Hogsmeade station at dusk, the Hogwarts Express was puffing back into life and reversing slowly away from the platform. A procession of carriages was trundling up to the school, pulled by strange looking horses. A guard of soldiers flanked Lila on all sides, and two wizards joined their ranks - Aurors (highly trained anti-dark magic wizards) from the ministry, as they marched up to the school.

Its turrets jutting into the evening sky, Hogwarts castle was twinkling up on the cliff. Lila stared at it breathlessly, drinking everything in. She noticed that the two wizard companions were falling behind, struggling to keep up. Lila entered through the wrought iron gates flanked by winged boars and her heart jumped into her throat.

I'm actually going to Hogwarts, Lila thought excitedly.

As they climbed up the slope, Lila looked over to the large lake in the grounds and saw something white glinting in the dark. It was the tomb of Albus Dumbledore. Lila motioned to Aureus and they marched towards the white marble grave. A few paces away the soldiers stopped, and Lila approached the grave alone. She kneeled and rested a hand on the cold stone. Knowing that her men were watching, she didn't say anything. Instead, she bowed her head and silently said a prayer.

Half-breeds at Hogwarts: PART 1 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now