6: Cornucopia

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Lila had a quiet birthday. Her parents sent a beautiful ruby ring and a long letter assuring her that all was as usual at home. Lila wrote back right away to tell them that she was busy planning to sort out her true coming of age.

As Barry and some other Hufflepuff boys passed Lila in the common room, she hastily stashed the ring out of sight. She didn't want anyone to know it was her birthday. She wouldn't want the fuss, and she knew she was terrible at remembering little things like birthdays. She'd rather not get roped into any obligations.

Lila took a walk in the castle while she planned what she would do about Cornucopia. It was doubtful that she'd be granted permission to leave school to go to a party. She'd rather not risk trying to get permission, which meant she would have to sneak out.

Lila was grateful that the Trace would now be lifted from her. Lila thought it was likely that she might need magic to get to and from the party. Lila pondered on what to do.

As the date of the party loomed, Lila approached Sean in a quiet courtyard surrounded by weeping willows. A few students stood half-concealed by the curtain of leaves making a cloud of coloured smoke trail into the sky. Sean sat on a bench alone, reading a magazine.

Lila saw something shift in the curtain of leaves behind Sean. A black, skeletal head with blank, white eyes poked its head through the branches. It stared at Lila. She recognised the strange creature - it was a thestral - a weird, leathery-winged horse that helped to pull the school carriages.

The thestral had given Lila a fright, and she was already feeling apprehensive about asking Sean for help. As much as she didn't trust him, she didn't know anyone better to ask.

"Back again, Lila?" Sean asked. "What can I do for you today? More racy pictures, I hope."

"Shut up," Lila said.

"No? I've got a new supply of Butterbeer, and something stronger if you're interested," Sean said. "You're not the only posh kid that's lining my pockets, so better hurry with your orders."

"Actually, I was wondering if you know of a good way to sneak out of school on Tuesday?" Lila asked.

"Wow! I'm impressed," Sean said. "Not going to Cornucopia, are we?" Sean squinted his eyes, as Lila chose to remain silent. "I wish I could go. Not looking for a plus one, are you?"

"No thanks, I need to meet a friend at Hog's Head," Lila replied.

"A friend? Sure," Sean scoffed. "I can help you if you don't mind exiting through Honeydukes before the store closes. Else you're going to have a problem. But I have heard a rumour from the ghost Nearly Headless Nic. The guy who apparently knows what you need to know is our good, ol' head boy. TEDDY! Speak of the devil!"

The group of smoking students heard Teddy's name and took off running. Teddy was passing, heading in the direction of the Great Hall, and caught his name.

"Just the guy Lila was looking for," Sean said.

"No ways," Lila cried. "I can't ask Teddy."

"Ask me what?" Teddy asked, a grin spreading over his face.

Sean waved as he left, while Lila shot daggers at him with her eyes.

"I just wanted to know something, but it's not strictly within school rules," Lila admitted, talking while looking at Teddy's shoes. When she caught Teddy's eye, he was looking pensive. "Don't even bother. You're head boy. I won't make trouble for you."

Lila didn't want to burn her bridges with Teddy. He was helpful and one of the few boys that Lila didn't feel strained around. Teddy was always willing to jump at a chance to help Lila. Now he hesitated.

The bell rang, and Teddy took Lila by the hand.

"What about class?" Lila asked.

"I'm off," Teddy said. His hand felt large and warm in Lila's.

They walked up to a seventh-floor corridor. Lila wasn't sure if Teddy had become lost, because, as they passed a tapestry of an unfortunate wizard trying to train trolls for the ballet, Teddy turned on his heel and dragged Lila up and down the same stretch of corridor a few times. The trolls on the tapestry paused with their clubs raised to watch them. Teddy stopped and Lila bumped into him. He placed his hands around her and gently turned her to face the wall. Where there had been a blank stretch of wall, was now a large door. Lila looked excitedly at Teddy and then around at the deserted corridor, checking if the coast was clear.

Teddy turned the handle and lead Lila into a strange room that resembled a sizable bungalow.

"My godfather told me about this place," Teddy said.

"The famous Harry Potter?" Lila asked.

"Yes. When they used it as a hideout, the room made a passageway through to Hog's Head so they wouldn't starve to death," Teddy said, walking about the space. "Hardly any student knows how the room works. I haven't told anyone else about it, so let's keep this between us..."

He smiled as he watched Lila look around with amazement on her face.

"So you're going to Cornucopia?" Teddy asked, suddenly sounding stern.

Lila nodded, shamefacedly.

"I'm sorry Teddy. I didn't mean to get you involved in my shenanigans," Lila muttered, feeling guilty.

"As far as the rest of the world knows, this never happened," Teddy stated and they smiled at each other.

"This place is amazing," Lila said looking around, noticing fresh flowers in vases and beautifully dressed beds. "I promise I won't tell a soul about it."

"You know I'd do anything for you, Lila," Teddy said. "Just promise me that you'll be safe. There's a certcertain type of crowd that gets attracted to those parties."

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