3: Obsidian

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Obsidian: Cools hot tempers

Coran reluctantly placed the fourth and final device on the prison  pod's translucent surface, pressing the button so the little lights  along the edges flashed. Then he turned to the control panel next to the  cryopod and opened a view screen which displayed Sendak's vitals. The  pod had been programmed to only maintain life signs not heal so the  mortal wound Keith had inflicted on the Galra commander was still very  obvious through the frosted pod cover.

"I have to warn you," Coran  said to his audience, "this technology was not meant to be used this  way. It was designed to retain Altean memories, not interrogate  prisoners. I have no way of knowing whether this will work and, assuming  it does, how long it will take to work. I've never heard of this being  used on an unwilling participant."

"I understand your reluctance,  Coran," Allura said, placing her hand on her advisor's shoulder. "But  this is our chance to get some information about the Galra Empire."

The  older Altean gave the princess a look that spoke volumes of how much he  did not like this idea. "I'm sure Keith could give us some useful  information," Coran argued, "and you already said Lance was reforming  his spy network."

"I don't know much, actually," Keith said,  crossing his arms. "I never held a high rank, and even if I did, it  would be more for show than anything else. Halfbreeds aren't exactly  welcome in the Galra Empire." He glanced at Lance out of the corner of  his eye before continuing. "The only halfbreed ever to hold a position  of any note is the prince and he was born to it. He didn't achieve it of  his own power." He paused thoughtfully. "Actually, no one's sure if  he's really a halfbreed or not. We just assume he is."

"Prince?" Lance asked, looking at his mate incredulously. "The prince of what?"

"The  Galra Empire," Keith answered. He blinked when he realized he was now  the center of attention. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"The Galra Empire has a prince?" Allura demanded, her face pale with shock.

Now  Keith was confused. "Yes," he said. "Didn't Shiro tell you? He was the  Champion for a year. The prince frequented the arena battles when he  wasn't off quelling the pathetic attempts at rebellion."

"Pathetic?" Pidge said.

"Like ours, you mean?" Hunk asked wryly.

Keith  just shrugged. "No hard feelings," he said. "But it is just the seven  of us, nine if you include Lance's two spies, against an entire empire.  Those aren't exactly the best odds."

"You'd be amazed what a small  force can be capable of," Shiro said. He stuffed his hands in his  pockets, hiding the gleaming metal of his Druid-enhanced hand from  sight. "Besides, I don't really remember much of my time under the  Galra," he said slowly. "I wish I did, but I don't."

"It's probably best that you don't," Hunk said.

The  red paladin shook his head. "I didn't realize," Keith said reluctantly.  "I just thought you didn't want to talk about it so I didn't press."

Shiro nodded with a weak smile. "Thanks, I guess," he said.

"But there is a prince?" Coran said.

Keith  nodded. "Nasty bastard," Keith sneered. "He doesn't have the best  reputation, even among the Galra. But he's respected enough for his  strength and prowess in battle that no one will speak out against him.  It doesn't help that he's friendly with the Druids."

"I find it hard to believe Zarkon would share power," Lance said. "He never was one to take kindly to that sort of thing."

"You sound like you knew him personally," Pidge said.

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