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I sat in the chair as a nurse explained what happened to Anya.
"She has a broken rib, that rib had a sharp edge that got readjusted somehow and that created a hole in her lung causing it to collapse. We think that was what the pain she was having was, it is usually blinding pain when someone lung is punctured so that is why she passed out."
"Well, what are you doing to fix it?"
"The surgeon is going to..." I blanked out, lost in my thoughts while the nurse continued to speak. How could I have missed this? How could I have not noticed something was wrong? The nurse ceased speaking.
"Is she gonna be okay, are there any risks? Just, what could go wrong?"
"Well there are risks to all surgeries, this one is particularly high. All people are different, but depending on what happens, she may not wake up from the anesthesia. The lung might not respond to the treatment. Injuries like these also weaken the lung, so there is a small chance of this happening again. On another note, Anya will most likely be out of surgery in two hours."
"Thank you." The nurse walked out of the room, and Vlad, Lily and the Dowager rushed past her.
"What happened?!" Asked the Dowager.
"The nurse said she had a pneumothorax, they took her into surgery about an hour ago." I said to the group who looked confused, I took that as a hint to explain. "She had a broken rib and it poked a hole in her lung, she passed out and stopped breathing." There was a silence. What are you supposed to say in these situations? I never could interact with people in times like these.
The Dowager sat in a chair that was in the corner and Vlad and Lily sat next to me. We sat in silence until I couldn't just sit there anymore. I stood up and paced the room while chewing on my thumbnail. She's not gonna wake up. I can feel it. I'd finally gotten what I really wanted, no, needed, and now I was about to lose her. I don't think I can bear to lose another person this important to me. I don't know what I'm gonna do.
My train of depressing thoughts was interrupted by the Vlad patting my shoulder with a sympathetic look.
"Dmitri, she'll get through this. She's tough, she can get through anything. She'll live." He said to me in a hushed voice.
"Being strong won't get her through something like this. She doesn't have any control, none of us do." Said the Empress while still looking detached from the room.
I stopped my pacing and stared out of the window. You could see the bridge from there. The crumbled concrete and the roadblocks that roped it off. A crowd of people stared at the scene with police holding them back. We were so close to getting there, across the bridge. To our new, better lives with each other. But we still failed.

Hello! So, I currently have two separate ways the story could go. One is the original plan and the other is something I came up with in the shower ten minutes ago. I wanna write both of them but it'd be weird if I wrote two stories that had the same first four chapters so, here what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna write the original plan for now, but once I'm done, I'll add chapters at the end that are new, this is the last chapter until the storyline splits. You guys can just pick which one you like better. I hope you liked this chapter and I hope you don't hate the rest of the story. Bye bye.

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