Waking Up

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Dmitri's POV
I stood in the corner of the hospital room. The Empress sat serenely in her chair while fidgeting with her hands. The doctor walked into the silent room.
"The tear in Anastasia's lung was much larger than expected. We were unable to repair it. I'm terribly sorry, we weren't able to save her." The Empress gasped with horror. Lily rushed to her side. I sat on the chair next to me with my heart pounding in my ears. My ears start ringing blocking out the Empress' sobs. The ringing is cut out with a scream, Anya's scream.

I jolted awake in my bed with Anya sitting next to me with a cold, scared look in her eyes.
"Anya? Was it another nightmare?" I said while brushing her hair out of her eyes. I attempted to shield my fear from my own nightmare. I pull her into my arms while her tears wet my shirt.
"It's okay, it wasn't real."
"But it was, I was re-living it. All of it, every nightmare-worthy thing that has happened to me."
"Anya. Look at me." I said in a surprisingly calm tone. "You are safe, it is over. You survived the revolution, you survived Gleb, you survived the bridge and surgery. You are the toughest person I've ever met. Even if something else terrible happens to you, which it will not, you will get through it, and come out even stronger than before." She broke out into even stronger sobs.
"Thank you." She managed to slip out in the midst of her now happy tears.

We slid back into bed with my arms wrapped around her. Anya fell asleep almost instantly, while I just laid there. The scenes of my nightmare played in my mind. The Empress' sobs, my heart pounding, my ears ringing, a scream. Anya's scream. I stayed awake the rest of the night, afraid that if I go to sleep it will happen again. Anya slept peacefully, without interruption.

The sun began to shine through the window getting brighter little by little. People on the streets began to shuffle to get to work. It was a Saturday but for most people it was still so busy. Knowing there was no rush for us to get out I continued to lie with Anya as she rested away the time she lost because of the nightmare.

Her eyes opened and she smiled at me.
"Good morning." She said to me softly as she was still half asleep.
"Good morning." I Said back. "I'm gonna go to the market. Will you be okay here."
"Dmitri I'm not a child, I'll be fine."
"Okay, I'll see you in an hour."
Unfortunately that hour became much longer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2019 ⏰

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