Chapter 22

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A/N: I'm back from the dead. Song recommendation: Love in the dark - Adele

Alex's POV:

Whilst walking back to our room, Piper yawned again and rubbed her eyes, bumping into me. I chuckled.

"Cmon Pipes, lets get you into bed" I decided to pick her up, and i cradled her in my arms, taking her into our room. She was too tired to argue. I placed her gently on the bed, and moved her blonde hair out of her beautiful blue eyes. She sleepily smiled at me and touched my hand, just as I was about to get up and change.

"Stay" she mumbles.

I laugh "Pipes I'm not going anywhere, I'm just gonna put on my night clothes. You need to put yours on too. And brush your teeth, your morning breath is bad enough as it is."

Piper sleepily grins and playfully hits me on the arm. "Mm no" she mumbles back, still smiling slightly. I stripped out of my clothes, and put a white silk nightgown on, and I turn around to find Piper propping herself up on her elbows, watching me and licking her lips.

I blush "get changed kid" I sauntered to the bed, went under the covers and placed my glasses on the bedside table. Distracting myself from the realisation Piper makes my vulnerable, stupid blushing side come out of me.

Piper, grumbling, got up and told me "cover your eyes".

"Okay" I huskily whisper, and I see her shiver.

I close my eyes, and shortly I feel the bed dip under her weight, and her snuggle under the duvet. I open my eyes and turn on my side to look at her, and she looks back at me, both women secretly feeling more adoration towards the other than ever before.

I pull her in to me, feeling her curves touch mine, and wrap my arms around her. This makes piper moan in content and rest her head on my shoulder, which makes me feel very happy and very hot .

Soon, her breaths become even, and I hear her usual sleep mumbles, which I find rather amusing. Fortunately, they never keep me awake. I doubt I could sleep without hearing them now, which shows how much I've Piper.

I don't really like boats or ships. The rocking motion is sickening, and stops me from being able to fully relax. Clearly it doesn't have the same effect on Piper, but what worries me, is that when I'm on edge and tired, which this ship will cause, I can let my guard down without meaning to.

That is a very big no no. I have to be strong, for Piper and my kingdoms sake. I admire this other queen for allowing so many..unique individuals under her rule. Fae, elves..these sorts are usually banned from other kingdoms, killed, and simply non existent. Besides, those sorts don't usually stay under rule of someone, therefore the queen must be highly respected and adored. This ship is rather large, the crew fairly welcoming, so this mysterious queen must consider me important, and judging by the interior, fairly rich. I hope this trip will be successful, the fate of my kingdom is almost reliant on this other Queens assistance.

I look down to the sleeping beauty safely wrapped up in my arms, my stomach clenching not only because of the swaying boat, but because of the danger she is now in.

Being a human surrounded by wild, reckless, heartless creatures would more often than not result in death. Humans are weak, unable to properly defend themselves from such strong otherworldly forces. I had to protect her. I know piper can fight, she's good, but that's against people. Our surrounding company? Not people. She was at risk, which was my fault. Nonetheless, she wanted to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2019 ⏰

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