Chapter Nine

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The lights were dim with the curtains pulled shut as Cindy and Melinda watched a movie together in their living room, both stretched out on different couches. Melinda's red hair grazed the floor as it cascaded down the side of the couch with her arm under her head. The movie was one from the 80's that the girl had seen when it came into theatres.

All of a sudden, Melinda's phone started vibrating the couch as it began to ring with an incoming call. The girl blindly searched for the device in her blanket, finally finding it and reading the caller ID. It was Bella.

"I'll be right back." Melinda mumbled to Cindy as she got off the couch and ran upstairs, flipping her phone open when she reached the top. "Hello?"

"I need you to come over." Bella spoke into the phone without even a greeting. She sounded frantic and worried.

"Why? What's wrong?" Melinda was worried about Bella's tone as she headed into her room and flopped down on her mattress. She could see the cover of a Forks High School yearbook poking out from under her bed and got up to push it under with a frustrated sigh.

"It's about Edward."

Melinda sighed again after she heard the boy's name. She wasn't in the mood to hear all about the fun Bella and Edward were having together and had a feeling that she'd get an earful if she went over to the Swan residence.

"I can't tonight, Bella, sorry. I have a lot of homework." Melinda lied in order to save her sanity. It was mentally exhausting for her to be around Bella, or anyone, when all they talked about was Edward or his family. Melinda didn't want to hear about what Bella and the boy were doing together because she wished she was in Bella's place. And Edward knew that, according to his mind reading ability.

"Please, this is serious. I think he's a...just come over, I don't want to tell you over the phone." Bella urged with her panicked tone. Melinda groaned as she lazily pulled herself off her bed and agreed to come.

"Fine, I'll be there soon." The red head replied before hanging up the phone. She didn't bother changing out of her grey sweatpants and baggy black t-shirt before heading back downstairs.

"Is everything okay?" Cindy asked as Melinda walked through the open concept house, past the living room and to the front door.

"Yeah, Bella just needs me to come over for a minute." Melinda replied as she pulled her shoes and coat on. "Can I take the car?" Cindy nodded in response so the redhead grabbed the car keys and left the house with a mumbled 'thank you' just before the door shut.

Melinda walked down the driveway towards the grey Acura, pulling the collar of her green jacket closer to her as a brisk wind rattled through Forks. The girl whipped around as she heard twigs snapping in the forest, her heart racing as she stood frozen in place. She inhaled sharply before rushing to the car, quickly opening and closing the door before locking it behind her. With a low grumble the Acura's engine turned on and the headlights illuminated the trees along the edge of the driveway. Two glowing eyes were looking back at the car and Melinda sighed in relief as she realized it had just been an animal that was roaming around.

It didn't take long for Melinda to reach Bella's house and she pulled her Acura into the driveway behind the girl's rust coloured pickup truck. The drive was so short that the heat had barely started to flow throughout the aged car. Melinda got out of her Acura and walked to the front door, knowing Bella's dad was home based on the Sheriff's car sitting beside the pickup truck.

Bella opened the door before Melinda could even knock and dragged the girl inside by her forearm. "I need you to tell me that I'm either right or I've gone crazy." The brunette said as she led the way up the stairs and to her bedroom where her computer screen was on and pieces of paper were spewed out all over her bed.

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