Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn

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Lukas was sitting in a room with the school guidance counsellor, Emma Tig.

"I see you've decided to double down on your nihilism this morning and Lukas, you reek of weed," Emma said.

"I'm trying to be rich with honesty, and what can I say, things haven't been going the smoothest recently." Lukas replied.

"Start from the beginning," Emma told him. 

"Of my cousins short-lived but horrific romances with liars?" Lukas asked.

"Of your decision to perform black magic on school grounds last night," Emma answered. 

"Maybe we could table this until I catch the guy I was trying to find by using black magic?" Lukas suggested. "Because the longer that Landon Kirby is out there, the greater the chance he tells people about this school and the kind of people we have hidden behind the gates."

"You know, there's a beacon that alerts me when someone's using," Emma said. "You knew you would be caught."

"After I found Landon, and as if I care about the stupid rules this school has." Lukas replied. "But we lost the trail and now I'm being interrogated. But go right ahead, take your time. Nothing at stake here."

Lukas looked away, clearly annoyed.

"Did anyone help you with the spell?" Emma asked.


Emily blew out the match she used to light a candle. Lukas and Emily held hands as they prepared to cast the dark magic locator spell. 


Lukas shook his head. "No. I work alone no room for alibis. Can I go now?" 

"Lukas, you're a student," Emma told him. Lukas scoffed, looking away. "This isn't your fight."

"It's absolutely my fight, Emma," Lukas told him. "Landon was inside the walls of this school because of me and my family members. He had access to the knife he stole because of Grace. We're at risk of exposure because of Hope. And you can tell me I'm sublimating a lifetime of survivor's remorse or whatever the hell it says in my file here." He picked up his file, slamming it back on the table. "But I'm gonna help Dr. Saltzman find him."  Lukas stood, starting to walk away.

"And what happens when you do?" Emma asked.

Lukas stopped for a moment, smirking slightly before leaving.

Grace was walking down the hallway clutching her books to herself. Everyone was looking at her and she tilted her head down.

Grace: (voiceover) "It should be said that Shakespeare wasn't completely clueless."

Grace walked into her and Hope's room and grabbed a box from beneath her bed.

Grace: (voiceover) "He had plenty of advice about how to handle betrayal."

Grace grabbed a book that appeared to be the book she received from her parents six years ago. 'Shakespeare's Great Works'. She opened it, revealing it was actually a grimoire.

Grace: (voiceover) "My personal favorite: 'Think, therefore, on revenge and cease to weep'."

Grace turned the page, looking at a death spell before ripping it out.

Lizzie, Josie, and Emily walked downstairs, Lizzie and Emily were dressed up for the game. 

"Let's hit the dining hall and carb load," Lizzie said. "It's game day."

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