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Delilah's POV

I switched the ignition of my car off and looked ahead at the shut black wrought iron gates of the cemetery.My breaths steadied as I got out of my car and glanced around at my empty surroundings,before closing the door with a small shove.

The sun peaked out briefly,bathing everything with warm sunlight before hiding behind the thick dull clouds once again.'I wonder if it might rain later on' I thought to myself as I slowly made my way towards the cemetery gates.A gentle cool breeze nipped at the exposed skin of my arms and I found myself thinking that maybe my black jeans and plain white t-shirt that I had thrown on had not been the smartest choice to make.Given that there is a long way to go before Autumn finishes,the weather these days can also change at any moment.'Climate change at its best',as my high school geography teacher once said.

As I pushed open the gates,I instantly heard a crunching sound and looked down to see that I had stepped onto a bunch of dried leaves that littered the area around the gates and even the pathway towards the gravestones.

Walking down the endless rows of gravestones and angelic ornaments that were sitting upon medium sized concrete pillars,I heard the faint chirping of birds here and there, though none were in my line of sight.Soon enough I found myself standing infront of the all too familiar gravestone and I felt a tug at my heart.Before long,overwhelming sadness swept over me and I found myself kneeling down onto the grass and brushing away leaves from around the grey tombstone that lay ahead of me.

"Hi",I managed to croak out after a fleeting moment of peaceful silence.This is the part where I normally burst out into tears,I thought to myself.But not today.

"I miss you".The sound of my voice was a bit shaky even though I managed to put on a tough front."Today is a big day",I said and continued to add on "and you're not here".Whatever built up sorrow I was holding back,or trying to hold back came out and soon enough hot tears ran down my face and fell atop the tombstone surface.

Glancing up briefly,my eyes lingered on the name carved in elegant Italic writing on the slab of concrete,and another wave of sorrow washed over me.

Closing my eyes,and opening them again,I sat back observing the name yet again and I let my mind take me back to the past,the day it all happened.


Hi all..

That was the prologue of Until You Come Back.

Let me know what you guys think.

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