Chapter 1

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3 years ago

Delilah's POV

It is amazing how life works,especially for me,a 24 year old elementary school teacher.
Teachers are the ones who fill the minds of young students with knowledge and also with a tad bit about life lessons in general.

Day to day,Monday to Friday,I stand before students aged 10 to 12,teaching them school based content.And then I also have the task of counseling students who are going through "phases" and "issues" in life.It is not something that I do not like doing.I just wonder sometimes whether they actually take whatever I say into consideration,or if it goes in one ear and comes out the other.

With only a couple weeks or so left until school is out and summer vacation begins,I was handed the task of having to deliver a farewell speech on behalf of the teachers,to those who will be beginning High School once summer vacation is over.And it was going to happen today,at exactly 12:30pm in the school's hall.

I stacked the pile of ungraded papers next to my laptop bag and let out a sigh of relief once the bell rang,indicating it was now second period."See you guys in the hall at twelve-thirty later on,"I called out over my shoulder to my students as they packed their stuff into their bags.I went back to cleaning the board,erasing each math solution off.Soon enough the classroom was empty,save for Lacey Conwell,who planted herself at the foot of my desk,peering at me anxiously.

"Yes Lacey,can I help you with anything?"I asked in a sweet voice.She was always the shy girl,trying her best to keep her grades high.Lacey was your average looking girl with pin straight blonde hair and a pair of black rimmed glasses.I wonder how Lacey would find High School.

"C-Can you l-please help me with this math p-problem mam."Ah math!A hated subject.If you told my sixteen year old self that I would oneday be teaching Math,especially at an Elementary School,I would have probably called you bat shit crazy.
"Sure Lace-"

Bzzz Bzzz

Our conversation had been interrupted by the buzzing of my phone.I dug my hand into my bag and shot Lacey a reassuring smile.The buzzing stopped and I looked at the screen.

Missed call

'Well if it's important then he'll call again now'I thought to myself.Placing my phone next to my laptop bag,I looked at Lacey and gave her a smile.
"Let's get started on that problem Lacey."


Few hours later

Twelve-thirty came sooner than I expected and before I knew it,I was standing infront of an entire hall filled with half tired schoolchildren,the principle and a few other teachers.My phone buzzed in my back pocket and I shifted from one foot to the other,whilst the principle announced my name and all eyes shifted on me.He backed away,motioning for me to step forward and I did so,grabbing ahold of the microphone,sincerely hoping that whatever I am about to say,will be of use to these kids.

"Good Afternoon girls and boys.You all know who I am,so no need to waste time on introductions."I took in a deep breath and glanced around from one end of the room to the other.

"High school will be nothing like you guys fantasize it to be.Some of you might enjoy it,but the majority of you will hate it and wish it could just end as quick as it started.But High School is a must and if you guys want to be someone,you need to put your best foot forward from the first day when you enter high school.There will be many challenges that you will face in High School and I am going to take you through each one of them."


"Good job on the speech there Longfield."I turned and the principle slowly walked over to me."Thank you for giving me the opportunity Sir,"I said and shook his hand.

Once I was in the confines of my classroom,I dug my phone out of my pants pocket and turned on the screen.

3 missed calls

2 missed calls

Good Lord,do these people know that I have a job,I wondered and mentally facepalmed myself.I quickly dialed Anthony's number and he picked up on the fourth ring.

"Why the hell do you even have a phone if you don't pick it up,"came his voice on the other end.I could tell by the tone of it that he was clearly annoyed."Well hello to you to Pal.And for your information,I have a job and that is,teaching elementary school kids,"I drawled out in my not so sweet voice.He cursed lowly on the other end and mumbled an apology.

"So you tell me now why you and Cassandra have been trying so desparately to get ahold of me?"There was a small pause on the other end and I huffed,ready to speak again when he beat me to it.

"Daniel is back in town Delilah,"he said and my breath hitched.Suddenly I felt thirsty,hot and perhaps nervous."What do you mean he's back in town and why are you telling me this?"I snapped and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Well let me say it again.Daniel,who so happens to be your ex-boyfriend and my ex best friend is back in Town.I ran into him last Friday at Starbucks and he asked me about you. Cassandra probably tried calling to tell you that she also jumped into him yesterday at the mall and he also asked her about you."He let out a deep breath and then sighed.

"Shit,"I said after inhaling and exhaling loudly."Too much to process,"he asked and I sighed."You think!"I exclaimed and stared at my empty classroom.

What I couldn't process was why the hell was Daniel back here after 6 years...


That was Chapter 1 guys.What do you all think??



🌼🌼Lots of love🌼🌼

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