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I've been watching them for a while now.

The only sound that could be heared are the snarls and whimpers.

I sigh as I hear another whimper from the warriors, and that's when I jump off of the tree where I was hiding.

Changing into my Wolf form. I released a growl to the Rogues.

The rogue that's near my place lunged forward towards my direction, and that's where it all started.

All the rogue that's been attacking the warrior's take off and leap towards my direction and fortunately i'm able to jump off before they can get me.

Seconds turn's to minute's, and minute's turned to hour before i could sense HIM.

HIS here, I can hear a lot of them making their way in here.

Finishing the last shit of rogue that just been attacking the warrior's -and me- hour ago. I run in an opposite direction from where i can hear them.

And i hide myself.

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