Chapter II- Hide

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"Eve we don't have much grocery already." I heard my younger sister Sam shouted fron the kitchen. She's just 13 but she always act like she's older than I am. Shaking my head I just continued getting some herbs in our mini garden as she keeps on reminding me on what to get when I go out

"Sam calm down. We still have some groceries left. Don't worry I will buy us grocery when I'll have the chance to go the Market." I said as I set my herbs in the sink and washed it. I need to make some medicine from this to have some cash and buy the grocery that we needed. It's just us already so I better take good care of my younger sister.

"I know that Eve. But it will be Full Moon soon and you know how dangerous it is if it's full moon." She explained. Worry is visible in her face. I know how worried she is. So am I. Full moon is not really that great to be celebrated for us. It's a nightmare for us. Other Packs might have some celebration and stuff but for us, Full Moon is a Nightmare.

I stop cleaning my herbs ang hugged her. "Hey, everything will be okay. As it is from the past Full moon. You have me and I will make sure that everything will be alright for you. You can do it. Okay? I'm here. " I am trying to reassure her. She will have her first shift this coming full moon and It having a horrible memory for us is not helping.

"I'm scared Eve. What if I can't control my Wolf. " She whispered but enough for me to hear. Shifting can be a bitch sometimes, especially the first one.

Looking at her. I felt my heart broke. I've never seen her so scared before. Sighing. I gave her a small smile and touch her hair. "Why don't you take some rest while I'm doing our lunch? You've been doing chores today so I know that your tired. Yeah? "I said giving her an encouraging smile

"Yeah. Sure. I'll just go and take some nap in my room. "She said exiting the kitchen.

Full moon will be few days from now that's why I need to be fast in making this herbs so that i can make the spell around the house again. I can't take any risk especially now that Sam will shift into her Wolf for the first time.

After making our lunch Sam is still asleep so I decided to continue on making the herbs so that I can deliver it already. I need to finish this today.

Finishing up the last bottle I make my way to my room and change my Shirt. Concealing my scent I made my way out of the house and into the woods. Our house is hidden by some large trees. You can't even imagine that their is a house behind those tree's.

"Grace" I call on the familiar woman sitting inside the café. When she heard her name being called she looked up from reading her book to me and smiled.

"Hi Eve. How are you? It's been a long time." She said as I sit infront of her. I meet her when I turned eighteen trying to practice my magic in the woods. She's a witch and she knows what I am, so she teach me everything that I needed to know. Now even in our 20's we still keep in touch.

I smiled to her and nod. "Yeah. It's been months since the last time that I saw you. I'm good. You? How are you? "I ask her after I order my drink.

"Well I've been doing great except from some of my clients that's been pestering me about your herbs. I'm really sorry that I made you do it. I know your doing something else but Thank you anyways. " She said in annoyance which made me laugh. If you look at her you wont really believe that she's a sorceress, she act like a human like she is.

"Nuhh. It's okay. You know that we also needed this money especially that full moon is approaching." I said sipping the drink that I ordered.

"You know that you can just come with me right? How's Sammie by the way? Haven't seen her for almost a year." She said as she holds my hand and giving it a squeeze

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