Chapter III- Run

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                I am used to run. It makes me feel free and alive. It is like my escaping from everything. But now, every second that pass by and everytime my feet meet the ground I felt myself drowning. Deeper and deeper until it's hard for me to breath.

                I stop in my tracks and take a deep breath before I let myself plop down in the ground. What I did. I know it's betrayal, he felt betrayed by me. I know that, cause I can feel it. It's too strong to miss.
                This hurts. I felt like my heart has been ripped in my chest. This just hurts too much. I know that I did this and that this is what I want but this is suffocating.

                 "Eve are you okay?" I heard Sam ask through our mindlink. Shit! I didn't even notice that I accidentally opened out the walls in my head.
                 Sighing deeply I tried to clear up any emotion and thought for my mate in my head. I don't want my little sister worrying about me. Inhale- Happy thought -Exhale - Happy thought.

                  When I made sure that my head is all clear I push out to Sam my positive emotion and trying to reign any negative emotion that's coming up.

                  "Hey Sammie. I'm fine. Don't worry too much okay. I'm on my way to you." And with that I stand up and fixing up my crumpled shirt.

                   "Why do you keep on running?" I heard someone spoke behind me that made me jump in my place and face that voice and there he is. Standing with all his glory with only a ragged jeans hanging lowly in his hips.

                    Biting my lip I divert my attention away from him. Him standing meters away from me fully cloth on is already hard thats why don't start with me of him standing meters away from me with nothing but a ragged jeans.

                     "Will you just going to stand there and do nothing?" He said amusement is visible in his eyes. His enjoying this,  his enjoying my embarrassment.

                      Composing myself. I tried to slow down my eratic heart beat - I seem to be doing that a lot of times already today -. "What do you think your doing?" I state using my cold voice.
                      "Running. Like you" He said in low voice. He seems to be calculating every move that I make cause I'm in my defensive stance now.  I can't just let my guard down.  I didn't even noticed that he followed me here.
                     "Didnt I make myself clear.  For you to stop looking for me. And by any-"

                    "Mate" I wasn't able to finished my words when he successfully cut me off with just one word. I felt my wall quiver as he stand their and looked at me with such strong emotions.

                     We just stand their silently waiting for who will break the awkward silence that surrounded us. And he seems to decide that it's time to talk because he decided to ask me the most dreaded question that I don't wanna hear too soon.

                     "Can't you come with me?" He ask  joggling every thin walls that I set just to be away to him.

                     He looked so determined by asking me that question, waiting for me to answer. I looked down reminding myself as to why I must not. Why I must not be with him, why I must stay away from him, and as to why I must keep my identity hidden.

                       "Please." I was brought up in my current situation when I heard him beg and looking at his eyes begging and palm outreach for me,  waiting for me to do the next move is breaking my heart.

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